A symbol of southern heritage and states rights' pride
I still remember one of my friend got in trouble for her confederate flag Skynyrd shirt. It was blue and wasn't too obvious. They tried to claim it was offensive but that didn't work too well seeing as she's a black chick. They made her change her shirt anyway...or turn it inside out. One of the two lol
I still remember one of my friend got in trouble for her confederate flag Skynyrd shirt. It was blue and wasn't too obvious. They tried to claim it was offensive but that didn't work too well seeing as she's a black chick. They made her change her shirt anyway...or turn it inside out. One of the two lol
Someone got killed at a show in asbury park a few years back for wearing a shirt with a confederate flag on it, then saying racist shit when someone told him to take it off.
I have lived in Chicago, I hAve lived in south Carolina, now I'm in between in Kentucky just across the river from Cincinnati. I have mixed feelings on this subject as I have seen both sides with my own eyes. I see the people from the north over react about it saying its just a symbolic of hate. To some that is a correct assumption but no matter what group you look at their are always idiots. I don't have a problem with the southern flag because it does represent something deep in the roots of people's heritage in the south. Even my black friends in south Carolina embraced it. It's a part of history at this point. There are always going to be fools that fly it for the wrong reasons such as hate and their will always be fools who look at it in the wrong sense.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
These Fucks hide behind the whole "pride not prejudice" horseshit....The Confederacy was born out of the "right" to put human beings in the field as farm equipment...Rape, torture, and enslavement....I personally hate that flag and all it represents. I'm from SW Oklahoma and you can take that southern 'pride' garbage and shove it up your ass. I say this to every fuckstick I see brandishing this bad joke of a heritage symbol. Butthurt? ya goddam right I'm butthurt. I try to end racism by not participating in it and I challenge bigotry and hatred wherever I see it. I don't hide behind freedom to justify my bigotry, I stand in front of freedom and defend it for everyone./rant
These Fucks hide behind the whole "pride not prejudice" horseshit....The Confederacy was born out of the "right" to put human beings in the field as farm equipment...Rape, torture, and enslavement....I personally hate that flag and all it represents. I'm from SW Oklahoma and you can take that southern 'pride' garbage and shove it up your ass. I say this to every fuckstick I see brandishing this bad joke of a heritage symbol. Butthurt? ya goddam right I'm butthurt. I try to end racism by not participating in it and I challenge bigotry and hatred wherever I see it. I don't hide behind freedom to justify my bigotry, I stand in front of freedom and defend it for everyone./rant
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
itz awesome
You are fucking stupid. You just pulled an almost 2 year long Will.