That was probably the worst day ever, she was unfortunately hit by a car, but 30 minutes before that happened, our sister came by and told us our grandfather passed away.
Wow that's terrible. jesus. I can only imagine. The day Roxy died was a nightmare of its own. I had just got back into school and got home sometime on the afternoon. Roxy had been sick for the last few days so I was taking care of her. She suddenly started whining and shaking uncontrollabley.I didn't know what the fuck was going on but instinctively I grabbed her and carried her out to the backyard, but by the time I made it there she died in my arms.
I remember when i was 13/14, we had a Toy Fox Terrier, he was about 7 years old, and he had been acting strange, and one night he just fell over and couldn't get up, i didn't know what was happening, so our older sister took him to the vet, and came back and said they had to put him down, he apparently had a brain tumor and was bleeding, they said he would have died anyways in a few hours regardless of what we did.
We've never had a single pet live past 8 years, and the two dogs we have now are 5 and 6, I sometimes wonder how much longer they have, and it makes me sad a little.
I remember when i was 13/14, we had a Toy Fox Terrier, he was about 7 years old, and he had been acting strange, and one night he just fell over and couldn't get up, i didn't know what was happening, so our older sister took him to the vet, and came back and said they had to put him down, he apparently had a brain tumor and was bleeding, they said he would have died anyways in a few hours regardless of what we did.
We've never had a single pet live past 8 years, and the two dogs we have now are 5 and 6, I sometimes wonder how much longer they have, and it makes me sad a little.
Keep thinking happy thoughts man. They've lasted this long andyou should be grateful they have. Just make sure they stay healthy and safe.
On the weekends when my parents would go out my brother and I would stay with my grandparents. My grandma let us do what ever we wanted. The best part was on Saturday nights we would watch the Headbangers Ball on MTV, and she would be there with us watching too, knitting in her chair, and with all the coffee we wanted.
No wonder I cant live with out the shit now... ~O)
The day you need a gun and don't have one, may be your last.
I saw a guy post something like this somewhere else recently about growing up in our town;
"when we were kids, we only had one thing to play with. it was called Outside. you were shoved out the door after breakfast and weren't expected back til you heard your 'family whistle' calling you home for lunch or dinner."
we were a very catholic street and at one point there were over 40 kids living just on our block. our neighbors across the street, with ten kids, had a giant cookhouse triangle on their front porch. those kids were up at the crack of dawn doing chores and that triangle rang four times a day; breakfast, lunch, dinner and curfew. our curfew was; we had to come inside when the streetlights came on. unless we had a wicked game of flashlight tag going.
we were the only kids in grade school (keep in mind we were only about 8 - 10 at the time) who got to stay up late and watch Monty Python on sundays. our teachers were appalled. until we knew who people like the Montgolfier brothers or Marcel Proust were, because of it.
Back in the day when kids would say "BUSTED!" or "That's totally rad dude." Lol maybe it was just my area I don't know if you guys did that. Basically copying the tv show Rocket Power.
Doing my morning paper run when I was about 13. I'd get up about 6am and ride around on my bike delivering papers. No one was about and I'd just cruise around dropping off papers. I'd raid the local apple orchard and grab some apples to munch on Winter was a bummer coz it was cold as in the morning and hard to get outta bed. Saturdays the papers were huge and were hard to squeeze into letter boxes Then I'd head home and have breakfast with my dad and my mum and bro still weren't even outta bed
catching lightening bugs and putting them in glass jars, grasshopper wars, walking down to the creek to fish, ghost in the graveyard, playing frisbee at night to mess with the fruit bats, going out to the oil rig to see dad.
Now, me and my Cousin are real close, but when we were both younger, he was like the bully Cousin, always beating my ass, calling me names, just being an overall dickhead to me. So, me, at the ripe young age of 6, felt like a fucking champion when I asked to borrow his N64, he said no, his Dad (My Uncle.) told him to stop being a selfish little bitch, and made him let me borrow it for a week. He left crying like a fucking bitch, and his Dad literally had to drag him out ahaha. I felt like a fucking God, and like I finally got my revenge. I still give him shit about it lol.
This one time my cousin, sister, and I dug a trench underneath the fence and crawled into this person's backyard because they had a enormous trampoline. We started jumping on it and being obnoxious when the owner of the house came outside.....we thought he was gone. He was walking towards us with an angry look on his face. We booked it so fast to the trench and tore up our legs so bad from the fence post and we thought we were gonna die from this dude hahaha man that was intense. I think I was like 9 at the time.
I remember when i was 13/14, we had a Toy Fox Terrier, he was about 7 years old, and he had been acting strange, and one night he just fell over and couldn't get up, i didn't know what was happening, so our older sister took him to the vet, and came back and said they had to put him down, he apparently had a brain tumor and was bleeding, they said he would have died anyways in a few hours regardless of what we did.
We've never had a single pet live past 8 years, and the two dogs we have now are 5 and 6, I sometimes wonder how much longer they have, and it makes me sad a little.
No wonder I cant live with out the shit now... ~O)
"when we were kids, we only had one thing to play with. it was called Outside. you were shoved out the door after breakfast and weren't expected back til you heard your 'family whistle' calling you home for lunch or dinner."
we were a very catholic street and at one point there were over 40 kids living just on our block. our neighbors across the street, with ten kids, had a giant cookhouse triangle on their front porch. those kids were up at the crack of dawn doing chores and that triangle rang four times a day; breakfast, lunch, dinner and curfew. our curfew was; we had to come inside when the streetlights came on. unless we had a wicked game of flashlight tag going.
we were the only kids in grade school (keep in mind we were only about 8 - 10 at the time) who got to stay up late and watch Monty Python on sundays. our teachers were appalled. until we knew who people like the Montgolfier brothers or Marcel Proust were, because of it.
I'd get up about 6am and ride around on my bike delivering papers.
No one was about and I'd just cruise around dropping off papers.
I'd raid the local apple orchard and grab some apples to munch on
Winter was a bummer coz it was cold as in the morning and hard to get outta bed.
Saturdays the papers were huge and were hard to squeeze into letter boxes
Then I'd head home and have breakfast with my dad and my mum and bro still weren't even outta bed
I completely forgot how much time I devoted to those.....
Now, me and my Cousin are real close, but when we were both younger, he was like the bully Cousin, always beating my ass, calling me names, just being an overall dickhead to me. So, me, at the ripe young age of 6, felt like a fucking champion when I asked to borrow his N64, he said no, his Dad (My Uncle.) told him to stop being a selfish little bitch, and made him let me borrow it for a week. He left crying like a fucking bitch, and his Dad literally had to drag him out ahaha. I felt like a fucking God, and like I finally got my revenge. I still give him shit about it lol.