apparently the actors didnt know it was going to be used in an offensive way and was overdubbed or something,
Watch the video, its so ridiculous its worth the 14 minutes. 70's Kung Fu movies were dubbed better. There is no way to convey how bad it is, just watch it. Kids make youtube videos better quality than that.
I did. Reminded me of like a Birdemic type thing... but I love Birdemic. and that was meh.
Movie wasn't a motivator in my eyes but more of an excuse. Everything was too well planned and happened on 9/11 from what I understand the route to get the fuck out for the people at the us embassy was very complex and this was so well planned that the classified information had to have been leaked so someone on the inside may have been helping.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
I hope we learned our lesson on who to help and who not to help in this world. Most of these "protesters" are just thugs looking for an excuse to fight and cause havoc. After they burn our places down they are seen walking down the street with computers and shit. According to their great prophet shouldn't they have their right hand cut off for stealing? Send in the drones!
One of the participants of the rally, Abdullah Ismail, passed away after he was taken to Mayo Hospital. Witnesses said he had complained of feeling unwell from the smoke from US flags burnt at the rally.
2/10 would not bang
> tfw no one watched the video
but these kind are a little more effective.....
And the FBI.
And the CIA spies.
>watches movie
>get mad about it
>kill people burn shit
if i had teh power i'd nuke Tehran then make a statement as to who is next if they dont settle teh fukk down iz wut
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
One of the participants of the rally, Abdullah Ismail, passed away after he was taken to Mayo Hospital. Witnesses said he had complained of feeling unwell from the smoke from US flags burnt at the rally.