Didn't see this being discussed anywhere.
They've found the movie director, you knew it wasn't going to take long.
http://www.chron.com/news/article/APNewsBreak-US-identifies-anti-Muslim-filmmaker-3860315.phpHe's fucked now.
Pass the god damn butter.
-1 ·
>Pissed off Muslims protest U.S. Embassy (Considered as American soil in another country)
>Pissed off Muslims shoot a rocket at U.S. Embassy, 4 people killed, one U.S. diplomat included.
>Embassies in 3 other countries get attacked, more people killed
>Expecting more shit to hit the fan
>Send in the warships
Really Muslims??? Really?
It's so unbelievably terrible its awesome. All the anti Muslim lines were overdubbed anyway. Very poorly at that.
But they also believe they get 40 virgins when they die
Protesters just happen to have RPG's with them.. (just in case)
Hitting different embassy everyday.
Hell yes its planned, we need to start launching Tomahawks from ships to let them know they are in range... >:/