2:09 PM (me)
2:09 PM (coworker)
2:09 PM (me)
so something weird happened to me today and I need some advice
So I was in the men's bathroom taking care of business... and some dude in the stall next to me like completely reaches under the stall and grabs at something near my feet
What would you do?
This happened today like after lunch
2:11 PM (coworker)
lol really?
who was it?
2:11 PM (me)
Well I didnt see their face... but they were totally grabbing at something on the floor near my feet
second floor bathroom. Completely uncalled for.
This dude was elbow deep man!
2:12 PM (coworker)
2:12 PM (me)
weird right?
2:12 PM (coworker)
2:12 PM (me)
Who does that!!! What a perv
I'm thinking about reporting it to upper management
what would you do?
2:14 PM (coworker)
what are you gonna report?
2:14 PM (me)
That some dude was just grabbing at stuff near my feet.
Don't you think that is a little perverted?
2:15 PM (coworker)
I'd just leave it alone
2:15 PM (me)
that aint cool
2:15 PM (coworker)
that's weird though
yeah, aint cool at all
2:15 PM (me)
I even saw what it was they were grabbing at
2:15 PM (coworker)
what was it?
2:15 PM (me)
I think it was their badge
I really think I am going to report this
2:16 PM (coworker)
you didn't catch the name?
Honestly, I'd just let it go.
2:16 PM (me)
Yeah I caught the name. It was you!
2:16 PM (coworker)
2:16 PM (me)
2:16 PM (coworker)
2:16 PM (me)

2:16 PM (coworker)
what can u do though haha
2:16 PM (me)
man you wait that one out
you go "shit there goes my badge... guess I'll wait"
2:17 PM (coworker)
i just didn't want it touched by anyone else...
2:17 PM (me)
2:17 PM (coworker)
especially there lol
2:17 PM (me)
man that is so funny
2:17 PM (coworker)
when that badge slipped out of my holder my heart sinked lol
2:17 PM (me)
you were like "good... im in the clear"
little did you know im an asshole
2:18 PM (coworker)
i shat bricks good thing a toilet was nearby

2:18 PM (me)
2:18 PM (coworker)
don't report it man, don't do it!
2:18 PM (me) lolol
I aint reporting it
I just wanted to see if you'd own up before I called you on it
2:18 PM (coworker)
i didn't
2:18 PM (me)
2:18 PM (coworker)
who would lol
2:19 PM (me)
yeah I wouldnt. I'd have pretended it never happened
although I would have also just waited it out.

2:19 PM (coworker)
alright ... fine...
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
Nothing like a nice hot grogan to deter