So I got the barrel edition for $60 in the midst of my drunkeness. I finally caved in with their bait of $70 credit when approved for an amazon card. Looking back there are probably some better things I could have thrown $70 at but hey no ragrets.
So I got the barrel edition for $60 in the midst of my drunkeness. I finally caved in with their bait of $70 credit when approved for an amazon card. Looking back there are probably some better things I could have thrown $70 at but hey no ragrets.
How the hell did you manage $70 credit. I keep getting offered 10-25 depending
Not sure. Maybe it was because I was on my mom's prime account at the time and we use the hell out of it? It's not like they knew my credit score or anything by that point.
def fake
Btdub if I ever move away from Ohio, New Mexico is a top destination next to Wyoming.