i've always though that Erik's permaban never should have been lifted, thing's were a lot better without him.
LOL... Now we know who thinks erik should be banned. Those that agreed the permaban should have never been lifted
Real fucking interesting.
calm, sir i believe hes only trying to start shit
Naw, just went and checked, he actually wasn't lying. Everyone he listed either liked or agreed with the post. It's cool doe, like I said, just shows the fake motherfuckers on here who PLAY NICE BUT CAN'T SPEAK THEIR MIND.
A bunch of us just keep quiet and for good reason. There's already enough dumb drama on here to begin with...if people did "speak their mind" I would imagine it'd increase by at least 10%. And most of it would be because of you
Yep, it's all me. Yep yep yep. I start everything with absolutely no provoking. No chance at ALL that it's 'cause of broads like you constantly starting shit.
Yea, you actually do, cunt. You seem to be back to your obsession of following me around and making a bitchy comment about every single thing I say. Guess you felt that you had the duty of taking the alkie's place.
All I see is Erik causing drama, as always. But hey, if he just wants to be a faggot on the internet, let him do his thing. Not like he has anything going on in real life anyways.
i believe hes only trying to start shit
Naw, just went and checked, he actually wasn't lying. Everyone he listed either liked or agreed with the post. It's cool doe, like I said, just shows the fake motherfuckers on here who PLAY NICE BUT CAN'T SPEAK THEIR MIND.
Shut up, cunt.
if not start it, keep it going until you get your last word in