Also something you guys don't know about me, I've been suspended from school 3 times in my life. 2nd grade for throwing a snowball (complete bullshit), 7th grade for fighting a kid, and 8th grade for not doing homework (also complete bullshit).
I came close to a 4th last year for skipping gym for a week but I cut a deal with the VP and got a bunch of detentions instead.
I did second grade twice. I missed a good chuck of the year the first time from a move for Chicago to south Carolina and it was when they realized I needed to be drugged. Probably more so for the teacher. I was told the teacher that had me the first time retired and specifically said it was me why she decided she didn't want to teach any more. So once I was on medicine they had me do the grade again. Turns out I didn't really need to I always scored high as fuck especially in math and even was the only one in the state at one point to get a perfect score On a math test
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
Also, I scored in the 99% percentile every time on the reading standardized tests throughout middle school. It made me feel like a bawse.
I came close to a 4th last year for skipping gym for a week but I cut a deal with the VP and got a bunch of detentions instead.
Then I got Xbox Live and a decent computer, and everything changed.
Last book I read was Red Dragon, for a Psychology paper in the fall of 2011.
Chicago to south Carolina and it was when they realized I needed to be drugged. Probably more so for the teacher. I was told the teacher that had me the first time retired and specifically said it was me why she decided she didn't want to teach any more. So once I was on medicine they had me do the grade again. Turns out I didn't really need to I always scored high as fuck especially in math and even was the only one in the state at one point to get a perfect score On a math test
I'm ok with that. It makes me feel special.