I'm content with my team. We could stay at our hunting camp in Dulac, La. Stands 18ft off of the ground. It runs directly on the Gulf. If we have to get away, just drop the boat lift and we're off. To where, I have no idea.
I'm not on any, but I don't need no click to slow my roll [-(
plus most peoples plans just arent very good. semi automatic and automatic weapons are not a good weapon of choice. seems everyone thinks there will be an unlimited supply of ammo. 22 cal is the most abundant ammunition on earth, so get a nice bolt action 22. also you should probably try to avoid guns unless absolutely necessarily, you should try to make the least noise possible not only because of zombie but other people who want your supplies. a real katana is a wonderful weapon because they dont take much effort to lop off a head or limb, a baseball bat while yes it wont dull like a sword take a whole hell of alot of effort to bash in a skull and you have to be aware of the zombie blood flying up in your face. people who are useful will be people who know how to store and preserve food, people who know what kind of wild berrys and mushrooms are edible, people who can hunt and fish.
LOL how old is that video? I forgot all about it... )
On a side note, I do have professional experience with hand to hand combat, firearms training, riot shield/baton training, and CPR/first aid training.....And I'm quite dashing in ragged clothing....
LOL how old is that video? I forgot all about it...
On a side note, I do have professional experience with hand to hand combat, firearms training, riot shield/baton training, and CPR/first aid training.....And I'm quite dashing in ragged clothing....
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