Pretty sure I posted this previously. One of my bestest workmates left work to go overseas at Xmas last year. In the 6-7 years I had worked with her I had always promised to come to work dressed in a chicken suit if she ever wore a dress. So when she resigned last year I freaked everyone at work out by coming dressed like this. Note my clean and tidy workspace.... And the hand on my thigh is the chicken glove I had to take off to type on my computer...
The funny thing is that no sooner had she quit and gone to Oz, she fell pregnant and has since moved back to whenever I see her now I remind her that as soon as she saw my cock she became pregnant )
Jacob, Piedmont is the town you get to right after you go through Jacksonville. Oxford, where the mall and restaurants were, then Anniston, then Jacksonville, then Piedmont. It's a rinky dink little place.
not any more than i have to. i haven't been since july. the grandparents that anchor the family out pretty much live at the hospital in rome now. i also have *ahem* a warrant out in that state
One of my bestest workmates left work to go overseas at Xmas last year.
In the 6-7 years I had worked with her I had always promised to come to work dressed in a chicken suit if she ever wore a dress.
So when she resigned last year I freaked everyone at work out by coming dressed like this.
Note my clean and tidy workspace....
And the hand on my thigh is the chicken glove I had to take off to type on my computer...
I thought you were bullshitting with that picture the whole time