True. I still remember his argument on how it was different. Out of the whole beat a small click or ding was different. I found all of this out when I was little and have disliked him ever since for it. I hate artists that sample other beats or pieces of songs with their music. And yes, that includes artists I like such as Eminem. I'd much rather have original new beats instead
its exactly the same, but i dont get why he got so much shit for it, rappers do that shit all the time and i hate it
He refused to give royalties for the beat or at the very least give credit to the band. You dont see Eminem sampling Black Sabbath's "Changes" saying his DJ wrote the beat or recorded the vocals.
Should have never notched those eyebrows...they look wack
Like your opinion matters. Salty cunt. Shit looks dope.
You look like you got too close to the stove................not "dope"
It's worse then you two really described. It's screams poser, and is beyond lame. So far beyond lame, that lame doesnt even go 1/100th of the way to describing it. Someone with notched eyebrows isnt looking for a fight, they are looking for some anal sex.
But hell... At least it isnt permanent stupid... Like getting a OFWGKTA tattoo. )
Still stuck on my cock. Old fuck. Your opinion means nothing. No one wants to hear it, Bianca has proved it multiple times as well.
Yall don't understand what its like to go fucking ham on someone elses material.
This is a part of Hip Hop. Sampling, and remixes. It's nothing negative. And it does feel fucking good when you do a track and feel it was better than the original track.
Big part of why I hardly listen to any hip hop at all. I cannot stand samples and remixes. Unless those remixes are dance/techno remixes, then it's not so bad usually
Big part of why I hardly listen to any hip hop at all. I cannot stand samples and remixes. Unless those remixes are dance/techno remixes, then it's not so bad usually
Why you asshurt? You realize they get the original artist's permission? If it doesn't bother the original artist, why should it piss you off?
I'm not asshurt and it doesn't piss me off. I just think it's stupid and I don't like it. Out of all the Eminem songs, the ones I hate are the ones he used samples on. I just find it lazy and an uncreative way to make a new song
Ours is "ding ding ding da da ding ding ch"
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)