IMO the money and the legacy, even if you can't remember, is worth it. Do you think Ali would take back everything he did to have his health? Fuck no, and neither would I.
People forget that health is everything. Hockey is a brutal sport and you think Crybaby Crosby would have been prepared for it. Players go after him for a reason. Number one he's one of the best players in the NHL right now. Number two, he's a little bitch and can't prevail in a hockey fight. While he's not playing he should take boxing lessons and try to not be such a bitch
I'm not saying that's right but it happens all the time, certain players get special treatment. Same thing as players getting penalty for hitting Tom Brady to hard but not other QBs.
Sidney Crosbey brings an entirely new (and fresh) aspect to hockey.... he'll nutmeg a motherfucker and lob the puck over the goali like nothing.
that's why people go after him..... haters gonna hate.
im not even a hockey fan ... but what i've seen from crosby (highlights) it's easy to see how he's in a whole 'nother league from a lot if other players.
yeah but ESPN and shit dont show any other highlights besides crosby.... you dont see guys like Iginla, Nash, Thornton, Perry, Datsyuk, ect.... the media sucks. Thats why I got the NHL jawn!
The media does suck and is a biased fuck. When it comes to sports they like to suck the dicks of certain star athletes depending on which sport. LeBron James is a good example
he would give anything to just have a normal life again
that's why people go after him..... haters gonna hate.
im not even a hockey fan ... but what i've seen from crosby (highlights) it's easy to see how he's in a whole 'nother league from a lot if other players.
In my opinion I know most would have football first. Ill watch maybe one NBA game a year and don't even watch the whole thing