The only thing I don't like about notching them is that my eyebrows are really light, and when I notch them, it almost looks like I shaved my eyebrows off with a few patches left, so I have to darken them with that brown make-up pencil, I think it's normally used as eyeliner.
you know they make special pencils for brows, right? you dont have to use eyeliner
Really? I wouldn't know lol. But eh, I already have the pencil, and it looks fine, so it's whatever, not gonna spend the extra money.
Saving up for that sweet chain?
I see we have a new Trixy. Right after she left. Hop off cock.
The only thing I don't like about notching them is that my eyebrows are really light, and when I notch them, it almost looks like I shaved my eyebrows off with a few patches left, so I have to darken them with that brown make-up pencil, I think it's normally used as eyeliner.
you know they make special pencils for brows, right? you dont have to use eyeliner
Really? I wouldn't know lol. But eh, I already have the pencil, and it looks fine, so it's whatever, not gonna spend the extra money.
Saving up for that sweet chain?
I see we have a new Trixy. Right after she left. Hop off cock.
Wow first I'm the new Erik now I'm the new trixy, how bout I'm just me and hate little wiggers that havnt even grown up from under their moms wing.
It's funny how just when you think Erik couldn't have a worse reputation on here, he just keeps finding new, interesting, and original ways to somehow make it happen. )
The only thing I don't like about notching them is that my eyebrows are really light, and when I notch them, it almost looks like I shaved my eyebrows off with a few patches left, so I have to darken them with that brown make-up pencil, I think it's normally used as eyeliner.
you know they make special pencils for brows, right? you dont have to use eyeliner
Really? I wouldn't know lol. But eh, I already have the pencil, and it looks fine, so it's whatever, not gonna spend the extra money.
Saving up for that sweet chain?
I see we have a new Trixy. Right after she left. Hop off cock.
Wow first I'm the new Erik now I'm the new trixy, how bout I'm just me and hate little wiggers that havnt even grown up from under their moms wing.
Yea, ignorant as fuck like Trixy. New Trixy. Hop off cock. And yea, I should have a 2 floor loft, I'm 16. Fuck outta here. Of course I still live with my Mom you fucking retard.
He's a great hockey player when he isn't being a little bitch. He should just retire since it seems like he isn't gonna play in a game anytime soon either. It's unfortunate his balls didn't drop in time for his hockey career
He's a great hockey player when he isn't being a little bitch. He should just retire since it seems like he isn't gonna play in a game anytime soon either. It's unfortunate his balls didn't drop in time for his hockey career
I think he's a great player but I think he's being a bitch about it. You make millions go play hurt and worry about the consequences later. If nothing else he needs to totally quit for a year or two and get better or suck it up. This o I'm ok, wait no I'm not shit pisses me off. I think I'm just fed up with sports in general. Ever since I decided the super bowl was fixed I'm just over it all.
He's a great hockey player when he isn't being a little bitch. He should just retire since it seems like he isn't gonna play in a game anytime soon either. It's unfortunate his balls didn't drop in time for his hockey career
I think he's a great player but I think he's being a bitch about it. You make millions go play hurt and worry about the consequences later.
He's a great hockey player when he isn't being a little bitch. He should just retire since it seems like he isn't gonna play in a game anytime soon either. It's unfortunate his balls didn't drop in time for his hockey career
I think he's a great player but I think he's being a bitch about it. You make millions go play hurt and worry about the consequences later. If nothing else he needs to totally quit for a year or two and get better or suck it up. This o I'm ok, wait no I'm not shit pisses me off. I think I'm just fed up with sports in general. Ever since I decided the super bowl was fixed I'm just over it all.
i agree he is a bitch...but concussions are serious they can really fuck you up you have to be careful with them
Why because I think that if you get paid that much and we had to pay for your contract and your new arena you need to suck it up. Athletes have always played fucked up and dealt with it later, that the trade off for the fame and money.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)