There's a differance between too much forehead and a receding hairline. There's only one person in the world I think is attractive with a large forehead, and that's Christina Ricci. You can tell the difference between a receding hairline and big foreheads
There's a differance between too much forehead and a receding hairline. There's only one person in the world I think is attractive with a large forehead, and that's Christina Ricci. You can tell the difference between a receding hairline and big foreheads there's still hope for me yet Leah.... :-?
And I've never thought Brad had a big forehead...
i just thought his faceial features looked too scrunched together
Wait.......'re not a chick!?
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)