...and we played with this band last night called Eat The Turnbuckle... ahhaha they were like wrestlers and shit stbbing eachother with broken bottles and body slammin eachother off the stage onto glass and wire, it was nuts. They music was actually ok too. It was like doomcore. I heard better obv, but the shows was awesome, they kicked the shit out of eachother, then i realized it was some members from bad luck 13, and then it made sense, lol.
I dont make the shirts, but I'll suggest it. Theyres gonna be mad new shit cause of the album and the summer coming up. My guitar player who makes the shirts, he has like his own shrt company and does it for other bands too, he said last night that hees going to convert alot of the shirts to green to match the album cover. i'll see him tomorrow.
Some videos from our show last night... Andrea was in a real shitty spot in the club and couldnt get really good shots cause shees short and there was nothing to stand on, but audio is pretty good.... part 6 is a new unreleased jawn. Lemme know what yous think!!!
Ape, he said hees redoing those shirts in the summer in white with green outline, he already copped the screens for them. I'll post them when theyre up. Meanwhile..... Preorder the cd \m/
my kid is ridiculous.
As soon as you nigs get out here I'll def be there