GEORGE ZIMMERMAN: “This guy looks like he is up to no good. He is on drugs or something,”
911 DISPATCHER: “Are you following him,” the 911 dispatcher asks.
ZIMMERMAN: “Yeah,” (says cop wanna-be and self appointed busybody watchman)
911 DISPATCHER: “OK – you don’t need to do that.
Zimmerman did anyway.
The 911 tapes of Zimmerman’s call to police shortly before he killed teenager Trayvon Martin on February 26 have been released. Self appointed “watchman” Zimmerman had phoned police 46 times in the last 13 months. Anyone surprised? He told the dispatcher that 17 year-old high school student Trayvon Martin, who he murdered, may have had a gun saying he had “something in his waistband,” and “he’s got something in his hands.” The teenager had gone for a snack to a 7-Eleven during the NBA All-Star game half-time.
What he had was an Arizona Iced Tea.
Funny how people see things that don’t exist – time and time again. Problem is: It would only seem to happen when the suspected person is a Black male in the United States. Martin had no gun and no criminal record. The Martin incident indicates that to some, a Black male doesn’t have to actually be doing anything unlawful to be murdered. A Black male need only be walking while carrying an iced tea and a pack of Skittles to become the subject of attention.
“These a**holes always get away,” Zimmerman told the 911 dispatcher. Self defense? A listen to Zimmerman’s call to 911 reveals that he chased Martin.
With that, we find that in Sanford, FL, a self appointed “watchman” with no police powers and zero law enforcement training walks free after murdering a teenager. But, incidents of suspicious killings of Black males in America followed by no punishment is not new. The status of Black males in American society remains clear: Expendable. Did the nation pause in June 2010 after ten Black males were shot dead and 51 wounded in just 3 days in Chicago? Does anyone believe there would be no national outcry if the victims were from any other group? The famous incidents are met with justifications — even in cases where the victims were completely innocent.
In 1984, it was Bernie Goetz. Goetz shot four Black males on a New York City subway after one asked for five dollars. All were unarmed. There was no physical altercation. Goetz shot all four, paralyzing one, saying he feared he’d be mugged. Eighteen months before Goetz said, “the only way we’re going to clean up this street is to get rid of the spics and niggers.” Goetz and his defenders said the shootings were justified because of fear.
In 1999, it was Amadou Diallo, 23. Diallo had no criminal record and no weapon. New York Police mistook Diallo for a rape suspect. An officer at the scene yelled “gun” and 41 shots were fired by four plain clothes officers. Diallo had no gun, only his wallet. All were acquitted.
In 2000, it was Patrick Dorismond, 26. Dorismond, a security guard, was shot and killed by a NYPD plain clothes police officer after being approached by undercover officers who asked where they could buy marijuana. An argument ensued and Dorismond was shot and killed. No one was charged. A grand jury found the shooting was an accident.
In 2003, it was Ousmane Zongo, 24. Zongo was shot and killed by an undercover police officer dressed as a mailman during a raid for counterfeit goods. He was unarmed and had no criminal record. The officer was convicted of criminally negligent homicide but served no jail time.
In 2004, it was Tim Stansbury, 19. Stansbury was shot in a rooftop stairwell by a police officer who admitted he was startled and pulled the trigger accidentally. Stansbury had no gun and no criminal record. A grand jury found the shooting was accidental. “There appears to be no justification for the shooting,” Chief Ray Kelly said at the time.
In 2006, it was Sean Bell, 23. Once again, a cop at the scene yelled “gun” – but no gun was found. Plain clothes NY City Police fired 50 rounds at three males: Two Black, one Hispanic. Bell was shot four times and died on his wedding day. He had no criminal record. No one was found guilty.
In 2009, it was Oscar Grant, 23. Grant was shot in the back and killed by BART Police Officer Johannes Mehserle. Mehserle feared Grant was reaching for a weapon as he held him face down on a subway platform. Grant had no weapon. Grant had previously served time for drug possession. The Justice Department opened a case against Mehserle. He would serve less than a year in jail.
Last month, Ramarley Graham, 18, was shot to death in the bathroom of his mother’s house after NY police gave chase. A plain clothes narcotics officer believed Graham had a gun. No gun was found. Graham had been previously arrested for marijuana possession and burglary.
The combined jail time after seven incidents? Seven dead = 23 months. In every incident, the absence of involvement by the pursuer would have meant seven people would be alive today. What do all the cases have in common? The victims: All Black males. All unarmed. As the City of New York continues to pay out millions in wrongful death suits one wonders: Does our society care when innocent people who also happen to be Black are killed for doing nothing? Diallo, Bell, Dorismond, Stansbury, Zongo were not engaged in unlawful activity.
Add another the list: Trayvon Martin. This time by a pretend-cop with too much time on his hands.
Sanford Police Chief Bill Lee Jr., like so many before him, defended the handling of the Martin case. “The hysteria, the media circus, it’s just crazy. It’s the craziest damn thing I’ve ever seen, and it’s sad. It’s sad for the city of Sanford, the police department, because I know in my heart we did a good job.”
It’s sad alright. The Justice Department should be in touch with Chief Lee soon. Rev. Al Sharpton is set to have another march regarding a case of an unarmed innocent Black male who is dead for no reason.
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song about Diallo
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
like when ure Hammin out [-(
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
Travyon Martin was witnessed to be on top of George Zimmerman before he was shot?
George Zimmerman was cut in the back of his head and had his nose bloodied by Trayvon Martin.
Trayvon Martin was suspended from school for vandalism and caught with marijuana, stolen jewelry & burglary tools.
Trayvon Martin was either giving or selling weed to his friends?
Why haven’t you seen pictures of Trayvon and his gold teeth?
Why haven’t you seen Travyon and his tattoos he shared on Twitter & MySpace?
Why is no one talking about Travyon being suspended multiple times from school?
Why isn’t anyone talking about Trayvon fighting and swinging at a bus driver?
Why has Trayvon’s picture in his hoodie been digitally altered to make his skin look bright and soft?
Why isn’t anyone talking about the fact that Trayvon beat up George Zimmerman?
When Trayvon Martin & George Zimmerman collided, why was he out so late at 3:00am walking in the rain?
Saw this earlier. Doesn't justify killing the kid, but he wasn't a saint out buying skittles.
^THIS^ 1000 times this. Don't be punching people in the face and smashing their head in the sidewalk and you won'y get shot.ALSO..He was 6'3" bad that he is dead and their are no winners because everyone has been influenced already.Their is bigger issues on the table like the legalization of DA HOOCH so dis nigga can get high. I be missing da bud lately! P.S. fuck that K2 shit!