yeah i know. If i ever shit talked comics it was all about pissing people off. I like superhero shit. Iv just always had other hobbies i was pursuing. Im def interested now doe.
Nah i think the "April Fools" part was the interview. Because they talk about the movie being PG 13, and at the end Reynolds says "April Fools, Deadpool will of course be rated R"
I just seen this posted that it's still gonna be PG-13.
"Despite the notoriously gory and often profane source material, the upcoming Ryan Reynolds Deadpool film is going to be rated PG-13. On a level, this makes sense - the film is a pretty big gamble (especially since a lot of people still associate the character with his X-Men Origins: Wolverine version) and so the studio wants to be sure it can appeal to the widest audience possible.
However, it's pretty obvious that this is NOT what Ryan Reynolds was envisioning for the film. Hopefully, they can figure something out so that Deadpool's Deadpooliness isn't lost as a result."
Comic books dot come posted it on fb. Even so I'm still having issues believing such a thing because it was revealed on April 1st. If it's rated R I'll believe it when the trailers say so and shit
@metalcrusades @MarcTheFallen @Dime @Necrothulhu
Deadpool confirmed rated R \m/
all aboard the hype train! CHOO CHOO
@rex_capone watch the video i posted
was was actually thinking about checking that out after walking dead. Kinda want to read some of the watchman as well :-?
I just seen this posted that it's still gonna be PG-13.
"Despite the notoriously gory and often profane source material, the upcoming Ryan Reynolds Deadpool film is going to be rated PG-13. On a level, this makes sense - the film is a pretty big gamble (especially since a lot of people still associate the character with his X-Men Origins: Wolverine version) and so the studio wants to be sure it can appeal to the widest audience possible.
However, it's pretty obvious that this is NOT what Ryan Reynolds was envisioning for the film. Hopefully, they can figure something out so that Deadpool's Deadpooliness isn't lost as a result."