So it was another hot ass day during Mayhem this year but all in all it was still fun.
I missed Winds of Plague because of the slow moving merch line. Got up to the side stages as Hostility was playing, they were meh at best.
3IOB was on next and was awesome. This was the 2nd time I have seen them and they sounded great.
Shadows Fall was up next and this was the 2nd time I have seen them and they killed it. I enjoyed the set and they all had great energy, Sounded awesome.
In This Moment followed and this was also the 2nd time I have seen them and they still sounded like shit. Maria is a terrible live vocalist.
Chimaira was up after ITM and they killed it as well. Sounded extremely good and really got the crowd going. Third time I have seen them.
I didn't watch Atreyu, Hatebreed or Norma Jean as I am not a fan of any of them. Hatebreed sounded good as always but I have seen them 3 times, and I have noticed on Fests if you have seen them once you have seen them 1000 times. Atreyu and Norma Jean are just plain bad.
5FDP sounded good. That's about it. I pretty much hate this band just because of their fans. Doesn't seem to be one intelligent 5FDP fan in all of AZ. They are either macho assholes or brain dead chicks. Either way they all think Ivan Moody is a musical genius. It is amazing what radio support will do for a shitty band.
LOG was nothing short of amazing, great set, great sound. Easily stole the show for me.
Zombie was amazing, he is something to see even if you don't enjoy his music. The stage show is amazing.
Korn. Talk about a legacy act, they play the same 12 hits every tour. Not that I really care but it is kind of sad. They sounded good and their stage set up was awesome, but Zombie should have closed out the night...and Korn just needs to go away. You haven't made good music in years.
In the end, I had fun. It wasn't as epic as last years Mayhem, or intriguing as the first year, but it was a solid year. Sadly ticket sales are up and the trend towards a more mainstream festival will continue probably.
leaving for pre-show party for ludacris and three six mafia lmfao...can't believe my friends are dragging me to this..will probably be a good time though...or at least a high time
Saturday July 17th Green River Ordinance - Foxoboro MA...lulz...
Patriot Place in Foxboro is having free concerts this summer and i took Nicholas to his first concert there today. Surprisely had a good time Never heard of any of the bands untili saw them play
1. Sarah Blacker - Folk singer. During her set there was an echo in the vocals, so we couldnt understand what she was saying. After her set, Nicholas ran over to her and gave her a hug. She walked over to me and my wife and chatted for a while. Didnt care for her music, but she was nice
2. Girls, Guns and Glory - Boston country band (ironic). Some parts of their set had some good drumming and guitaring, but overall was bored. Singer sat next to us after his set
3. Green River Ordinance - pop rock band that is said to sound like All American Rejects. Figuring i havent listened to AAR, I dont know. They had a following of about 20 teenage girls that were following them around. They are suposely popular. There set was OK at best. They were a fun band. No moshing or headbanging. Good band to take the family to
Zombie was indeed fucking epic even from the lawn.
I was lucky enough to move to the pit for Korn.
Did you happen to see the two lawn fights that broke out during LoG? One was between a skinhead and a native American guy (imagine Chief from One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest and Hulk Hogan going at it) and the other was between a chick who claimed this other guy yanked her bra off.
first band i saw was motion city soundtrack CAUSE I LIKE THEM, they played at the same time as attack attack but they are shit live. idr their full set but it had all their big songs The future freaks me out LG.Fuad everything is alright is what i remember
ANYWAY this aloud me to get rail for Bring me the horizon (played at the same time are parkway drive ) but i like bring me the horizon more. i was VERY surprised at how good they were overall from the second best band i saw all day but their set looked like
Diamonds arent forever The comedown Chelsea smile football season is over the sadness will never end sleep with one eye open pray for plagues
after this i went to go see emmure 3rd best of the day they always sound really clear and have pretty big pits i would of like to see "chicagos finest" or "felony" but well their set looked like
sunday bacon i thought u met tell and turned me into casper r2 deepthroat bars in astoria false love in real life soundwave superior ten signs you should leave when keeping it real goes wrong
next was whitechapel everytime i see them i think more and more that they're not so great live phil almost sounds like he inhales n they words just end up sounds like one sound i wish they would just forget they wrote a new album and take out "darkest day fo man" and "breeding violence" and add "father of lies" "ear to ear" "prostatic fluid asphyxiation" or at least just ONE fucking time play "messiabolical" but they played ( not sure if this is full)
of legions darkest day of man breeding violence visor excisor possesion this is exile
after them we had a break to walk around we got a buncha free wonka candy fruit snacks and koozles but after walking around we went to go see sum 41 they really got the crowd movie and had the PERFECT setlist it looked like i may be missing some songs
Fat Lip Motivation In To Deep The Hell Song Still waiting Were all To Blame paint it black
after sum 41 there was a pit to leave the pavillion floor and we broke through the fence separating back stageish area and the floor so that was fun since there was nobody else playing i decide to stick around at the pavilion until enter shikari so i sat and BRACE FOR FAILS next was never shout never if your not familiar with them DO NOT EVEN BOTHER listening unless your name is bianca she may like em basically some kid wanting to look like oli syke with an acoustic guitar with lyrics like " everything you do is super duper cute" after then was i see stars again dont bother unless your name is bianca theyre basically a poor mans attack attack autotune bullshit techno-y beats even saw some crabcore going on. next was fake problems they just sounded bad but next was the al mighty enter shikari
ENTER SHIKARI holy fucking shit second time seeing them and AGAIN never ever fail to impress every single person the be in sight of them they were easily the best of the day and of ANY band ive ever seen live all the band member are always moving around jumping on top of and off their speakers and the bass drum. the pavilion is split into two stages for warped they would go to the other stage where a band was setting up and play shit over there the guitarist balanced his guitar on his face , the singer did a hand stand back flip thin off his keyboard this band has so much fucking energy and i will see them every time i get a chance too. not a full set but they def played after them nobody would seem that good
Juggernauts zzzzonked mother ship sorry your not a winner
after them was suicide silence they were not as good as ive seen them int he past with a medio-core set which also seemed short but they played
no time to bleed lifted smoke wake up unanswered no pity for a coward
i bought two shirts one that says "stop listening to awful fucking music" (im sure u guys will have a field day with that one and with the music on warped and what i listen to ) and an enter shikari shirt that says ( generic fucking tshirt core) i met and got autographs from suicide silence n a sweet ass sunburn overall a great day ill be at warped next year
they really are i first saw them at a small club venue and thought maybe thats just how they are in a club but they brought equal energy and stage show on a festival too
Zombie was indeed fucking epic even from the lawn.
I was lucky enough to move to the pit for Korn.
Did you happen to see the two lawn fights that broke out during LoG? One was between a skinhead and a native American guy (imagine Chief from One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest and Hulk Hogan going at it) and the other was between a chick who claimed this other guy yanked her bra off.
I saw something going on...everyone was looking back at the lawn but I was to busy enjoying LoG to care.
But yeah, they don't fit into that lineup at all hahaha
So it was another hot ass day during Mayhem this year but all in all it was still fun.
I missed Winds of Plague because of the slow moving merch line. Got up to the side stages as Hostility was playing, they were meh at best.
3IOB was on next and was awesome. This was the 2nd time I have seen them and they sounded great.
Shadows Fall was up next and this was the 2nd time I have seen them and they killed it. I enjoyed the set and they all had great energy, Sounded awesome.
In This Moment followed and this was also the 2nd time I have seen them and they still sounded like shit. Maria is a terrible live vocalist.
Chimaira was up after ITM and they killed it as well. Sounded extremely good and really got the crowd going. Third time I have seen them.
I didn't watch Atreyu, Hatebreed or Norma Jean as I am not a fan of any of them. Hatebreed sounded good as always but I have seen them 3 times, and I have noticed on Fests if you have seen them once you have seen them 1000 times. Atreyu and Norma Jean are just plain bad.
5FDP sounded good. That's about it. I pretty much hate this band just because of their fans. Doesn't seem to be one intelligent 5FDP fan in all of AZ. They are either macho assholes or brain dead chicks. Either way they all think Ivan Moody is a musical genius. It is amazing what radio support will do for a shitty band.
LOG was nothing short of amazing, great set, great sound. Easily stole the show for me.
Zombie was amazing, he is something to see even if you don't enjoy his music. The stage show is amazing.
Korn. Talk about a legacy act, they play the same 12 hits every tour. Not that I really care but it is kind of sad. They sounded good and their stage set up was awesome, but Zombie should have closed out the night...and Korn just needs to go away. You haven't made good music in years.
In the end, I had fun. It wasn't as epic as last years Mayhem, or intriguing as the first year, but it was a solid year. Sadly ticket sales are up and the trend towards a more mainstream festival will continue probably.
Patriot Place in Foxboro is having free concerts this summer and i took Nicholas to his first concert there today. Surprisely had a good time
1. Sarah Blacker - Folk singer. During her set there was an echo in the vocals, so we couldnt understand what she was saying. After her set, Nicholas ran over to her and gave her a hug. She walked over to me and my wife and chatted for a while. Didnt care for her music, but she was nice
2. Girls, Guns and Glory - Boston country band (ironic). Some parts of their set had some good drumming and guitaring, but overall was bored. Singer sat next to us after his set
3. Green River Ordinance - pop rock band that is said to sound like All American Rejects. Figuring i havent listened to AAR, I dont know. They had a following of about 20 teenage girls that were following them around. They are suposely popular. There set was OK at best. They were a fun band. No moshing or headbanging. Good band to take the family to
on a scale of 1-10:
metal - 0
I was lucky enough to move to the pit for Korn.
Did you happen to see the two lawn fights that broke out during LoG? One was between a skinhead and a native American guy (imagine Chief from One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest and Hulk Hogan going at it) and the other was between a chick who claimed this other guy yanked her bra off.
ludacris - did a good job
may not enjoy rap that much but they did a good job...and god damn am I drunk/higih..good times..good times
first band i saw was motion city soundtrack CAUSE I LIKE THEM, they played at the same time as attack attack but they are shit live. idr their full set but it had all their big songs
The future freaks me out
everything is alright
is what i remember
ANYWAY this aloud me to get rail for Bring me the horizon (played at the same time are parkway drive
Diamonds arent forever
The comedown
Chelsea smile
football season is over
the sadness will never end
sleep with one eye open
pray for plagues
after this i went to go see emmure 3rd best of the day they always sound really clear and have pretty big pits i would of like to see "chicagos finest" or "felony" but well their set looked like
sunday bacon
i thought u met tell and turned me into casper
r2 deepthroat
bars in astoria
false love in real life
soundwave superior
ten signs you should leave
when keeping it real goes wrong
of legions
darkest day of man
breeding violence
visor excisor
this is exile
after them we had a break to walk around we got a buncha free wonka candy fruit snacks and koozles but after walking around we went to go see sum 41 they really got the crowd movie and had the PERFECT setlist it looked like i may be missing some songs
Fat Lip
In To Deep
The Hell Song
Still waiting
Were all To Blame
paint it black
after sum 41 there was a pit to leave the pavillion floor and we broke through the fence separating back stageish area and the floor so that was fun since there was nobody else playing i decide to stick around at the pavilion until enter shikari so i sat and BRACE FOR FAILS next was never shout never if your not familiar with them DO NOT EVEN BOTHER listening unless your name is bianca she may like em basically some kid wanting to look like oli syke with an acoustic guitar with lyrics like " everything you do is super duper cute" after then was i see stars again dont bother unless your name is bianca theyre basically a poor mans attack attack autotune bullshit techno-y beats even saw some crabcore going on. next was fake problems they just sounded bad but next was the al mighty enter shikari
mother ship
sorry your not a winner
after them was suicide silence they were not as good as ive seen them int he past with a medio-core set which also seemed short but they played
no time to bleed
wake up
no pity for a coward
i bought two shirts one that says "stop listening to awful fucking music" (im sure u guys will have a field day with that one and with the music on warped and what i listen to ) and an enter shikari shirt that says ( generic fucking tshirt core) i met and got autographs from suicide silence n a sweet ass sunburn overall a great day ill be at warped next year
Good to see another Enter Shikari fan, they are fun as hell to watch live.
Agreed. Take out the end and it's not even that long, and probably the best on the album anyway.