the new york pis were fucking insane, best i've ever seen in a club. with how many crowd surfers there was its was like i was at mayhem, i went up twice. the place exploded as soon as eluveitie went on and never let up
First show of the tour. The venue was not packed at all when I got there and I claimed an open spot on the rail. It filled up a bit by the first band, however.
Destrophy - Band from Des Moines, Iowa. The first song they played was pretty much aggressive riffs and vocals plus a breakdown, so I thought I was going to be seeing a Hatebreed clone. That turned out to be the only song of that kind, however. The rest were a bit more varied, with clean vocals mixed in. Overall, not that bad at all. Judge for yourself. 7/10
Ice Nine Kills - This band confused the hell out of me. First of all, they have way too many vocalists. They have a vocalist who does screams and clean vocals, another vocalist who provides shitty clean vocals, a guitarist who does screams, and a bassist who does clean vocals. At the very least, the second vocalist needs to go, he adds nothing to the band. That being said, there's not much to add to here anyway. Their songs sound a little like BTF, ADTR, and the like, but their music is devoid of any sense of direction. I was entertained for about half a song, then I wanted them to get off the stage. These guys will be on Warped Tour, and they belong there with the rest of the shit. If you're going to Warped Tour, check this band out, you may like it. Otherwise, stay away. Far, far away. 2/10
Divide The Day - What a pleasant surprise after that garbage. Nothing fancy, just good groove rock with catchy riffs and GOOD vocal harmonies. Pretty much the polar opposite of the band before them. They played a pretty short set, though,for a band in direct support. Then again, I could say the same for all three bands. 8/10
Taproot - These guys are from Ann Arbor, and seeing that I live there the majority of the year now, I felt obligated to go to this. Now, I am not a Taproot vet by any means; I got into them while I was getting into Chevelle. But I do like them, and after tonight, I will be listening to them even more. These guys were awesome. Tons of energy, plenty of fooling around and having fun with the crowd in between songs, giving an audience member the mic to sing a verse, etc. During their first song, Stephen Richards got off the stage, worked his way into the middle of the crowd, and started a mosh pit. It was impressive. The place just exploded for these guys. They played four new songs and all of them sounded great. I look forward to the new album in a couple weeks, as well as possibly seeing these guys again in a month. I caught a drumstick and a setlist, which was as follows:
Myself Emotional Times Now Rise (new song) Again and Again Path Less Taken Fractured (new song) Facepeeler Wherever I Stand Smile Stolage (new song) Release Me (new song) I I Will Not Fall For You Karmaway Calling Poem
Successful night was successful. Taproot gets a 9.5/10.
CANNIBAL FUCKING CORPSE - April 30th, 2010 - Milwaukee, Wisconsin - The Rave
Amazing night.
OK, to start off, got there early, first show I've ever been early to, I usually get there JUST on time, or very late. >_<
So I went and bought merch, finally got me a SkeletonWitch shirt, the tour shirt, and another Cannibal Corpse shirt, one of the tour ones as well.
Let me just say, this was one of the best crowds I've ever seen, everyone gave 110% and the pits for every band were absolutely insane. Just a fun crowd in general, one of the first crowds in a while that actually involved everyone screaming SSSLLLLLAAAAYYYYEEEERRRR!!!!! Throughout the night, which is always lulzy and epic lolz.
There was also an extreme amount of Scenies and little kids, I'm talking like 8-10 year olds. It was odd.
Lecherous Nocturne: Didn't expect much from them, and never heard them before, but holy fucking shit. They were amazing, and their frontman knows how to work a fucking stage. He gave out free CDs and shirts to the people who were the most violent in the pit. I gotta download some of their Music and give them a better listen, because they fucking tore it up. 8.5/10
SkeletonWitch: Second time seeing them, and as expected, absolutely mindblowing. They were pitch perfect and sounded exactly like the album, especially the Guitars. Crushed Beyond Dust was absolutely crushing (No pun intended.) Chance won at the end. DO ME 3 FUCKING FAVORS! DRINK BEER!!!! SMOKE WEED!!! AND EAT!! SOME FUCKING! PUSSSSYYYYYY!!!!!!!! 10/10
1349: Hmm, really cool to finally see one of the true Black Metal bands live all decked out with the corpse paint and shit, but I admit I don't know too much of their material, and I realized how truly corny the corpse paint and evil attitude is from seeing it live. It's really kinda stupid, like Behemoth does it, but I don't know, it never seemed as over-exaggerated with them.
However, seeing the almighty Frost live gave me a whole 'nother level of respect for him. He is fucking amazing. And the second best live Drummer I've seen next to Inferno.
So since Frost added that level of excitement for me...
6/10 if it wasn't for Frost.
Cannibal Corpse: What can I say? It's fucking Cannibal Corpse. they leave me speechless every time. Even more speechless this time due to the fact that I was on the rail for them, literally only a few feet away from Corpsegrinder and Pat O'Brien. A completely energy draining 90 minute set that was worth every last second. My neck has never been so stiff. This is my third time seeing them, and this was the best out of the 3 times. One thing to point out is that Corpsegrinder was very noticeably sick, and wasn't doing much of his usual stage banter. He said one line about ripping off all the guys' girlfriend's tits if they didn't mosh to Hammer Smashed Face, but that was about it lmfao. Hammer Smashed Face remains to be quite possibly the most intense live song ever, it's always so fucking insane during that song that it blows my mind.
Caught Pat O'Brien's pick. Fuck yea. It's a tiny ass pick lol. But another one to add to my collection. Thanks for starting a chain Nergal, lolz.
Yet another, 11/10
Met Alex Webster afterwards, and I felt like I was in the presence of a God, like in all honesty. And I was so nervous for some stupid reason. But here's the picture.
Local band-krass judgement Shane put it great, he said, I think they forget they're a local band. These guys weren't that band but one of the singers kept trying to get a pit going. By this I mean jumping over the rail and running straight into people
woe of tyrants- they were great. Lots of energy. They got a pit going a couple times 8/10 evile- I didn't know any of their material butthey had a lot of energy on stage. I couldn't get into it too much but I'll give them a listen and maybe it will change. During their set some drunk guy kept jumping around and finally ran over to Shane and tried to push him over, from there hr tried running through the crowd of people in front of the rail
warbringer-they were freaking amazing. They brought so much energy to the stage and got the best crowd response of the night (didn't stay for overkill). They got a pit going a few times and the crowd loved them. I got to brofist the guitarist and singer which was cool 10/10
god frigging dethroned- they were awesome besides some technical difficulties from henri's guitar but that was fixed shortly. Under a darkening sky and posion fog were definitely the best parts of their set. It was sad that it seemed like only Shane and I liked them and knew their material but it was fun either way. I got to brofist the guitarist who, it seems like is replacing Susan, about 3 times and I bought passiondale and got it signed by henri and the bassist before the show 10/10 vader-vader was great. Not my favorite of the night cuz they didn't have a whole lot of crowd interaction. The crowd loved them nevertheless. They played everything great and had a lot of energy. Got one of their tour shirts before the show after vader I got a warbringer wrist band and then left cuz I had to take the SAT today 9/10 overall this may have been the best show I've seen all year. It was great and meeting Henri and having him sign my cd was awesome got to meet Shane and chew at the show. They're cool guys
Went to see bullet last night in Worcester, Mass at the palladium. I was about 4-7 rows back so in front of the pit the whole time so I didn’t really pay attention to the moshing. Its not really my thing.
Arcanium-never heard them before last night and they weren’t terrible. Kind of a mix of mudvayne and manson. Wouldn’t mind seeing them again. 6.5/10
Airbourne-just like at mayhem 2008 they seemed out of place. They were really energetic as usual. Solid rock n roll for havin a good time. This is when the crowd started to warm up. They opened with diamonds in the rough. They played 7 songs total and I was looking forward to hearing stand up for rock n roll again but they didn’t play it. 7.5/10 Partial setlist: Diamonds Runnin wild Too much too young too fast
Chiodos-ug. Hardcore band ‘nuff said. Standard loud-soft-loud-soft-buildup-breakdown……the crowd was rougher during airbourne than these guys. It was a good break before bullet. 6/10
Bullet for my Valentine- the band I went to see. My second time seeing them (1st was taste of chaos). The crowd was nuts the whole time. non stop crowd surfing. Im a small dude, like 5’7” 160 so I got tossed around pretty good so it was a good time. lots of chicks and/or 14 year old kids there. Im 20 and felt old lol. Way too many dudes up on the rail with their chicks. From what I remember heres the setlist only the first and last songs are in order: Your betrayal Fever Last fight Pleasure and pain Dignity Beg for mercy 4 words Tears don’t fall All these things I hate Scream aim fire Waking the demon Like 1 or 2 more from the new CD The end. I was looking forward to hearing a couple that they didn’t play so I thought their setlist could have been better and longer. They only played for like an hour. No hand of blood, suffocating under words of sorrow,hearts burst into fire, or anything else from scream aim fire. 8/10
Overall good show. High energy. Obviously it wasn’t too violent with all the kids and chicks but it was a fun time. I got beat up pretty good so im happy. 7.5/10
@wine: they didn't seem bored last night. Henri didn't seem to hav a whole load of energy but I still felt like they had energy
Bullet was awesome when I saw them at mayhem. They're setlist sucks though. They're playing way too much off of fever and not enough off of the poison and scream aim fire (which I thought was a pretty good album)
i totally agree with santana and brian. i was def looking forward to a couple more off scream and 1 or 2 from poison. also hand of blood which the crowd was screamin for the whole night. hearts burst into fire is a single for gods sake and they didnt play it.
Oh yeah lol I forgot well when I checked my phone after evile's set, Judy had texted me saying chew needs help and he drank too much and he's in the bathroom needing help so I showed that to shane thinking there was a bathroom in the bar area that I couldn't go to Shane went off looking for chew and then chew pops up and tells me what happened then I go to tell Shane and I couldn't find him finally I walk back to the crowd to see them both there and I notice chew was covered in something wet, knowing he was in the bathroom I had to ask if it was water or piss. Thank god it was water that was a great show. Good bands and meeting chew and Shane was cool
Slinkars Visa full song, great quiality
First show of the tour. The venue was not packed at all when I got there and I claimed an open spot on the rail. It filled up a bit by the first band, however.
Destrophy - Band from Des Moines, Iowa. The first song they played was pretty much aggressive riffs and vocals plus a breakdown, so I thought I was going to be seeing a Hatebreed clone. That turned out to be the only song of that kind, however. The rest were a bit more varied, with clean vocals mixed in. Overall, not that bad at all. Judge for yourself.
Ice Nine Kills - This band confused the hell out of me. First of all, they have way too many vocalists. They have a vocalist who does screams and clean vocals, another vocalist who provides shitty clean vocals, a guitarist who does screams, and a bassist who does clean vocals. At the very least, the second vocalist needs to go, he adds nothing to the band. That being said, there's not much to add to here anyway. Their songs sound a little like BTF, ADTR, and the like, but their music is devoid of any sense of direction. I was entertained for about half a song, then I wanted them to get off the stage. These guys will be on Warped Tour, and they belong there with the rest of the shit. If you're going to Warped Tour, check this band out, you may like it. Otherwise, stay away. Far, far away.
Divide The Day - What a pleasant surprise after that garbage. Nothing fancy, just good groove rock with catchy riffs and GOOD vocal harmonies. Pretty much the polar opposite of the band before them. They played a pretty short set, though,for a band in direct support. Then again, I could say the same for all three bands.
Taproot - These guys are from Ann Arbor, and seeing that I live there the majority of the year now, I felt obligated to go to this. Now, I am not a Taproot vet by any means; I got into them while I was getting into Chevelle. But I do like them, and after tonight, I will be listening to them even more. These guys were awesome. Tons of energy, plenty of fooling around and having fun with the crowd in between songs, giving an audience member the mic to sing a verse, etc. During their first song, Stephen Richards got off the stage, worked his way into the middle of the crowd, and started a mosh pit. It was impressive. The place just exploded for these guys. They played four new songs and all of them sounded great. I look forward to the new album in a couple weeks, as well as possibly seeing these guys again in a month. I caught a drumstick and a setlist, which was as follows:
Emotional Times
Now Rise (new song)
Again and Again
Path Less Taken
Fractured (new song)
Wherever I Stand
Stolage (new song)
Release Me (new song)
I Will Not Fall For You
Successful night was successful. Taproot gets a 9.5/10.
Amazing night.
OK, to start off, got there early, first show I've ever been early to, I usually get there JUST on time, or very late. >_<
So I went and bought merch, finally got me a SkeletonWitch shirt, the tour shirt, and another Cannibal Corpse shirt, one of the tour ones as well.
Let me just say, this was one of the best crowds I've ever seen, everyone gave 110% and the pits for every band were absolutely insane. Just a fun crowd in general, one of the first crowds in a while that actually involved everyone screaming SSSLLLLLAAAAYYYYEEEERRRR!!!!! Throughout the night, which is always lulzy and epic lolz.
There was also an extreme amount of Scenies and little kids, I'm talking like 8-10 year olds. It was odd.
Lecherous Nocturne: Didn't expect much from them, and never heard them before, but holy fucking shit. They were amazing, and their frontman knows how to work a fucking stage. He gave out free CDs and shirts to the people who were the most violent in the pit. I gotta download some of their Music and give them a better listen, because they fucking tore it up. 8.5/10
SkeletonWitch: Second time seeing them, and as expected, absolutely mindblowing. They were pitch perfect and sounded exactly like the album, especially the Guitars. Crushed Beyond Dust was absolutely crushing (No pun intended.) Chance won at the end.
1349: Hmm, really cool to finally see one of the true Black Metal bands live all decked out with the corpse paint and shit, but I admit I don't know too much of their material, and I realized how truly corny the corpse paint and evil attitude is from seeing it live. It's really kinda stupid, like Behemoth does it, but I don't know, it never seemed as over-exaggerated with them.
However, seeing the almighty Frost live gave me a whole 'nother level of respect for him. He is fucking amazing. And the second best live Drummer I've seen next to Inferno.
So since Frost added that level of excitement for me...
6/10 if it wasn't for Frost.
Cannibal Corpse: What can I say? It's fucking Cannibal Corpse. they leave me speechless every time. Even more speechless this time due to the fact that I was on the rail for them, literally only a few feet away from Corpsegrinder and Pat O'Brien. A completely energy draining 90 minute set that was worth every last second. My neck has never been so stiff. This is my third time seeing them, and this was the best out of the 3 times. One thing to point out is that Corpsegrinder was very noticeably sick, and wasn't doing much of his usual stage banter. He said one line about ripping off all the guys' girlfriend's tits if they didn't mosh to Hammer Smashed Face, but that was about it lmfao. Hammer Smashed Face remains to be quite possibly the most intense live song ever, it's always so fucking insane during that song that it blows my mind.
Caught Pat O'Brien's pick. Fuck yea. It's a tiny ass pick lol. But another one to add to my collection. Thanks for starting a chain Nergal, lolz.
Yet another,
Met Alex Webster afterwards, and I felt like I was in the presence of a God, like in all honesty. And I was so nervous for some stupid reason. But here's the picture.
Here are the other pictures I took.
Local band-krass judgement
Shane put it great, he said, I think they forget they're a local band. These guys weren't that band but one of the singers kept trying to get a pit going. By this I mean jumping over the rail and running straight into people
woe of tyrants- they were great. Lots of energy. They got a pit going a couple times
evile- I didn't know any of their material butthey had a lot of energy on stage. I couldn't get into it too much but I'll give them a listen and maybe it will change. During their set some drunk guy kept jumping around and finally ran over to Shane and tried to push him over, from there hr tried running through the crowd of people in front of the rail
warbringer-they were freaking amazing. They brought so much energy to the stage and got the best crowd response of the night (didn't stay for overkill). They got a pit going a few times and the crowd loved them. I got to brofist the guitarist and singer which was cool
god frigging dethroned- they were awesome besides some technical difficulties from henri's guitar but that was fixed shortly. Under a darkening sky and posion fog were definitely the best parts of their set. It was sad that it seemed like only Shane and I liked them and knew their material but it was fun either way. I got to brofist the guitarist who, it seems like is replacing Susan, about 3 times and I bought passiondale and got it signed by henri and the bassist before the show
vader-vader was great. Not my favorite of the night cuz they didn't have a whole lot of crowd interaction. The crowd loved them nevertheless. They played everything great and had a lot of energy. Got one of their tour shirts before the show
after vader I got a warbringer wrist band and then left cuz I had to take the SAT today
overall this may have been the best show I've seen all year. It was great and meeting Henri and having him sign my cd was awesome
got to meet Shane and chew at the show. They're cool guys
Arcanium-never heard them before last night and they weren’t terrible. Kind of a mix of mudvayne and manson. Wouldn’t mind seeing them again. 6.5/10
Airbourne-just like at mayhem 2008 they seemed out of place. They were really energetic as usual. Solid rock n roll for havin a good time. This is when the crowd started to warm up. They opened with diamonds in the rough. They played 7 songs total and I was looking forward to hearing stand up for rock n roll again but they didn’t play it. 7.5/10
Partial setlist:
Runnin wild
Too much too young too fast
Chiodos-ug. Hardcore band ‘nuff said. Standard loud-soft-loud-soft-buildup-breakdown……the crowd was rougher during airbourne than these guys. It was a good break before bullet. 6/10
Bullet for my Valentine- the band I went to see. My second time seeing them (1st was taste of chaos). The crowd was nuts the whole time. non stop crowd surfing. Im a small dude, like 5’7” 160 so I got tossed around pretty good so it was a good time. lots of chicks and/or 14 year old kids there. Im 20 and felt old lol. Way too many dudes up on the rail with their chicks. From what I remember heres the setlist only the first and last songs are in order:
Your betrayal
Last fight
Pleasure and pain
Beg for mercy
4 words
Tears don’t fall
All these things I hate
Scream aim fire
Waking the demon
Like 1 or 2 more from the new CD
The end.
I was looking forward to hearing a couple that they didn’t play so I thought their setlist could have been better and longer. They only played for like an hour. No hand of blood, suffocating under words of sorrow,hearts burst into fire, or anything else from scream aim fire. 8/10
Overall good show. High energy. Obviously it wasn’t too violent with all the kids and chicks but it was a fun time. I got beat up pretty good so im happy. 7.5/10
Bullet was awesome when I saw them at mayhem. They're setlist sucks though. They're playing way too much off of fever and not enough off of the poison and scream aim fire (which I thought was a pretty good album)
well when I checked my phone after evile's set, Judy had texted me saying chew needs help and he drank too much and he's in the bathroom needing help
so I showed that to shane thinking there was a bathroom in the bar area that I couldn't go to
Shane went off looking for chew and then chew pops up and tells me what happened then I go to tell Shane and I couldn't find him
finally I walk back to the crowd to see them both there
and I notice chew was covered in something wet, knowing he was in the bathroom I had to ask if it was water or piss. Thank god it was water
that was a great show. Good bands and meeting chew and Shane was cool