I'm not saying she's not hot, her face is pretty and she has a great rack, but she's far from the be all-end all. I don't like her ass or legs if we are splitting hairs
kill yourself.
she's gross, talk abotu cottage cheeze...
Death is not the worst of evils.
You can't be down, when you're always high.
I'm just pointing out why she's not the perfect 10 that a couple of you think she is. Shes got bad little bird legs and a flat ass, both of which make her look completely disproportionate to her top half and those huge tits. Still.......shes hot but jeebus let it go...........she didnt win.
Honestly it was the most shocking to see how big of a blowout the final was. It was practically the worst matchup of the whole tournament in the final.
I'm just pointing out why she's not the perfect 10 that a couple of you think she is. Shes got bad little bird legs and a flat ass, both of which make her look completely disproportionate to her top half and those huge tits. Still.......shes hot but jeebus let it go...........she didnt win.
It dont care she didnt win, I didnt even say nuffin when she was voted out, but you saying shees not a 10 is full potato. my balls your chin.
Lets judge her in the way we judged Kunis and Lavigne
Face 9
Tits 9.5
Ass 5
Legs 5
That averages out to a 7.125
shes a 7 1/8 piece
face 10
tits 10.5
ass 8.5
legs 10
Was Sara Underwood in this tournament?
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
Who needs fakes of Britney?