Just curious as to what you guys wanna do with yourselves when that time comes to make a living? For me, well I'm the lead guitarist for the band and my ultimate life's goal would be of course to have that go somewhere. As a realistic job I would love to go into radio. Basically anything that is music lol.
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blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
i may also do some music journalism/CD reviews on the side.
Another main goal is to get in a successful touring and recording band, as well as become a successful solo recording artist as well.
im going to be living in a van... down by the river
I have a whole world of options though but it's frustrating I haven't figured out what I wanna do
What happens if I don't pass? I'm fucked.
I don't NEED math to be great. But according to school, I do.