SOA got terrible dude. 13 episode seasons with 10 fillers, 2 semi important episodes, and one actually important episode. That was Season 5-7. And the ending was whack. Biggest case of "I'm the creator so I'm going to bullshit this script instead of letting the characters land where they would organically land."
yeah when you compare it to the shit from the last 2 weeks
yeah that's what I was comparing it too.
I like when Rick was like how do we get there... and Arron was like HW26 (or whatever) and then Rick is like "ok. fuck that. we will go I86" ) jesus rick... paranoid much?
I kinda liked it. Where was that girl going, who took the gun, etc.... Obviously someone watched Rick stash the heater in the blender, but who? Loved his comment at the end about taking the city from them if shit isnt on the up and up. I like how eventhough things look legit, they are sure it's a trick cause shit isnt this good ever.
Also loved how carol was playing dumb.
You're crazy, that episode was very good. Better than last night episodes of Better Call Saul.
It was along the lines of "it wasn't the newcomers that was us"
i had to rewind it myself, the audio was poor quality
I think previously there were some other new members to the township and they went on a hunting party with that guy. They got attacked by walkers and were all killed. . That guy had accused/told everyone that the newcomers had panicked which is why they all got killed by walkers.......but the reality is that that guy and his mate were the ones who panicked
it looks like most of the township members are spineless and would run at any opportunity and you wouldn't trust them to watch your back
I like when Rick was like how do we get there... and Arron was like HW26 (or whatever) and then Rick is like "ok. fuck that. we will go I86"
Also loved how carol was playing dumb.
You're crazy, that episode was very good. Better than last night episodes of Better Call Saul.
i had to rewind it myself, the audio was poor quality
I think previously there were some other new members to the township and they went on a hunting party with that guy. They got attacked by walkers and were all killed. . That guy had accused/told everyone that the newcomers had panicked which is why they all got killed by walkers.......but the reality is that that guy and his mate were the ones who panicked
it looks like most of the township members are spineless and would run at any opportunity and you wouldn't trust them to watch your back