I could give two shits what you assume. I'm not here to impress anybody. I don't fuck fat chicks. I don't care what their excuses are, I just don't find it attractive. If I was gay, I wouldn't do fat guys either. You're the one acting like a butt hurt fat girl about it.
U into fat chicks bro? Is that a hot look for you?
Biggest girl I ever fucked was the one that looked that the girl you previously posted. I'm not mad, I've just always had options and hold myself to a very high standard. You're a sensitive little fella though, getting all mad cuz I wouldn't bang a chick you think is hot.
I didnt say any of that stuff, when I said taste my cock I was joking with you. I dont know how this got out of hand, but whwtaver, I'm too tired to argue anymore and need to go to bed. Talk about me and my weight and being fat all you want, I'll even joke about it with you, but self control and discipline and self respect are a whole another ball game from my issues with weight. For the first time in my life the past few years I finally give a fuck about myself and care about life and the people around me. Quitting drinking, no fuck that... the withdraw from putting down the drink that left me in bed for basically 3 months was the hardest thing I ever went through. I am so proud of myself and who I am and what I've accomplished so far since I quit the bullshit. I am happy, and I am fat. Fuck you I'm fat. And Erik is cool, fukkov. [-(
Dude I was joking, and only till the last part was it directed to tou, but i was still fucking around Wut? Goodnight Jobe. Until next time, take care of yourself, and each other.
Dude I was joking, and only till the last part was it directed to tou, but i was still fucking around Wut? Goodnight Jobe. Until next time, take care of yourself, and each other.
Dude I was joking, and only till the last part was it directed to tou, but i was still fucking around Wut? Goodnight Jobe. Until next time, take care of yourself, and each other.
Well I was serious, I'm still not banging you.
y00z both allz ghay :-w
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
Dude I was joking, and only till the last part was it directed to tou, but i was still fucking around Wut? Goodnight Jobe. Until next time, take care of yourself, and each other.
Dude I was joking, and only till the last part was it directed to tou, but i was still fucking around Wut? Goodnight Jobe. Until next time, take care of yourself, and each other.
Well I was serious, I'm still not banging you.
y00z both allz ghay :-w
You would like that wouldnt you?
if you were wearing a sheep costume and jobe was dressed like this ya it wud entertain meh into lolz
U into fat chicks bro? Is that a hot look for you?
Biggest girl I ever fucked was the one that looked that the girl you previously posted. I'm not mad, I've just always had options and hold myself to a very high standard. You're a sensitive little fella though, getting all mad cuz I wouldn't bang a chick you think is hot.
ITT: George being Erik.
"post questionable jawns!"
That one isn't hot.
"Fuck you fag, suck my dick faggot"
I wouldn't do you either.
"Fuck you you crusty salty fuck"
Close enough.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
ya it wud entertain meh into lolz
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)