Eh it's just a very eerie sound. Not saying it is bigfoot whatsoever but it definitely strange. @ForeverZero13. Your response sounded like you did watch it?
I've seen alot of bigfoot cry/scream videos and I didn't think that one was any different so I treated it like the rest I've heard claiming bigfoot
Ah gotcha. Well still it's pretty creepy. Who knows what it could've been. I wish they'd actually catch a legit footage of bigfoot instead of out of focus ones.
well the fact that they say they recorded the audio with a cell phone.... most people would record a video (which is more readily available with a one button click on phones) and not just audio (where you have to go into the tools menu on most phones, etc.) so I just don't buy it.
Like you said though the story the guy said before the audio was fake. He stole it from someone else. Tried to claim it as his own. Who knows what it could've been all I know is I'd probably freeze in my tracks if all the sudden I heard that out in the middle of the woods.
this one got me yesterday.... but i was on my ipod and was zooming in; and got a close up view of it.
A photo of what appears to be an ordinary living room has gone viral on Twitter and Facebook, and divided those who can see it from those who cannot. Somewhere in the room there is a terrifying face lurking. Can you see it? The origin of the photo is unclear. What seems certain, however, is that once you see it the image is heard to shake. Visit Mail Online to find out where to look.
my cousin posted that a couple weeks ago and I literally jumped when I finally noticed it lol
When The Ring first came out I watched it while home alone. After it was over I turned off the tv, got some grub from the kitchen, and went upstairs. I accidentally stepped on the remote walking across the living room, and when I reached the stairs I heard the crackling of the tv just like in the movie. I must have stood there paralyzed from fear for about 30 minutes )
Oh yeah you guys have "The New Jersey Devil" supposedly living in your woods. Hahaha I saw a documentary about that and I gotta say it's the most interesting creature I ever heard of.
It's gonna take a while to type everything out about it that I know of.