One of the things I've always wanted to do is get a paranormal team together, investigate a whole lot of places and help people out. But not enough people have wanted to yet. Just one or two
One of the things I've always wanted to do is get a paranormal team together, investigate a whole lot of places and help people out. But not enough people have wanted to yet. Just one or two
That would be the coolest thing ever! No one here wants to do it because of the weather, apparently kids don't go outside anymore. Also some people would think it's crazy. I've really been trying to get my friends to go to Maltby cemetery with me.
this one got me yesterday.... but i was on my ipod and was zooming in; and got a close up view of it.
A photo of what appears to be an ordinary living room has gone viral on Twitter and Facebook, and divided those who can see it from those who cannot. Somewhere in the room there is a terrifying face lurking. Can you see it? The origin of the photo is unclear. What seems certain, however, is that once you see it the image is heard to shake. Visit Mail Online to find out where to look.
99.9% of the time, yes they are. What I get intrigued by is mist
pictures don't intrigue me much at all. taking a basic photography class can show you how all this crap can show up. and it's really easy for people to edit pictures now.
I know and that pisses me off because people end up dismissing every picture, even if there's something legitimate in the picture. If I have to I would use a old school polaroid or a camera you have to use a dark room to develope pictures. I hate it when dumbass paranormal groups fake evidence because it ruins it for everyone else. If they want to be children they should fuck off somewhere else
this one got me yesterday.... but i was on my ipod and was zooming in; and got a close up view of it.
A photo of what appears to be an ordinary living room has gone viral on Twitter and Facebook, and divided those who can see it from those who cannot. Somewhere in the room there is a terrifying face lurking. Can you see it? The origin of the photo is unclear. What seems certain, however, is that once you see it the image is heard to shake. Visit Mail Online to find out where to look.
Holy shit I actually see it! Made me jump a little lol. )
I'll take pics regardless. I love taking pics of old run down places, abandoned places, ect. I think they look creepy and awesome by themselves. Best things to use are video and thermal cams
this one got me yesterday.... but i was on my ipod and was zooming in; and got a close up view of it.
A photo of what appears to be an ordinary living room has gone viral on Twitter and Facebook, and divided those who can see it from those who cannot. Somewhere in the room there is a terrifying face lurking. Can you see it? The origin of the photo is unclear. What seems certain, however, is that once you see it the image is heard to shake. Visit Mail Online to find out where to look.
My friend once told me that he heard bigfoot supposedly. He was camping out all bu himself in the deep woods of Oregon. It was night time. He was just sitting there listening to other animals in the forest, when all of the sudden this deep, bellowing roar, echoed not too far form where he was, and all the sudden the it went completely silent. All the other animals had shut up after the roar. He then heard supposed footsteps coming closer. He then got up and dipped out of there. Hahah.
Hahaha I know rightz!? I'd probably shit my pants. He said he had never heard a roar like that before. The fact that everything went silent and footsteps make him believe it further. That's quite the experience.
Well like he said he had never heard such a roar like. He said it was louder and deeper than a bear's roar. Plus he heard actual bipedal movement coming his way.
Yeah, the imagination can run wild ispn certain situations. I thought a door swinging open and almost hitting me in the face was someone being a dick. Until after the group went through I realized there was no footsteps leading to or from the door
I think there are creatures out there that exsist like Bigfoot and others. But it's talked about so much, so many people have faked footage for their 15 min of fame, ect that it ruins it. I don't let it kill the possibility that they exist though
I think there are creatures out there that exsist like Bigfoot and others. But it's talked about so much, so many people have faked footage for their 15 min of fame, ect that it ruins it. I don't let it kill the possibility that they exist though
I agree totally. Anything is possible. There are supposedly 10 million undiscovered species our there, (including underwater). There are so many things we don't know about.
A photo of what appears to be an ordinary living room has gone viral on Twitter and Facebook, and divided those who can see it from those who cannot. Somewhere in the room there is a terrifying face lurking. Can you see it? The origin of the photo is unclear. What seems certain, however, is that once you see it the image is heard to shake. Visit Mail Online to find out where to look.
h8 life