" You jolt awake from your sleep, that feeling that you just fell through the floor gets to you, and your heart is still pounding from the spasm that disturbed you. You’re still in your towel, you must’ve nodded off right after you came out the shower.
You feel disoriented, holding your head in your hands for a while before you shuffle over and glance down to your phone,
You pick it up, squinting as your eyes adjust to the light.
03:47 - You’ve only been asleep for about an hour.
You lay your head back down and momentarily close your eyes, but then you start to hear it, a rattling sound.
You get off of your bed and walk towards your door, grabbing the handle and gently pulling it towards you, you glance across the hallway.
You can just make out the silhouette of your bathroom door in the dark, just as you go to go back to bed you see the outline of the bathroom door as a faint light dimly flashes behind it.
Did you forget to close your bathroom window? because you didn’t leave the light on.
You barge into the bathroom, the air is still thick and heavy with condensation and you check your window, it’s closed.
Only an hour’s sleep, your eyes heavy with bags and a semi-permanent scowl on your face.
You go to turn the light on, for a split-second the room is lit but then the bulb cuts out.
Within that split second you noticed something in the mirror, but it was fogged up from the condensation. You run across to your bedroom and grab your phone.
Suddenly you hear a thud.
You rush back into the bathroom, rub the fog off the mirror and shine your phone onto it.
OK so nothing pertaining to the supernatural at all, but has anyone ever heard of a novel called Thirteen? It's a compilation of 113 original short horror stories. The book has been banned in Italy. Supposedly it has the most scariest short story in the world! It's only 2 pages long and only takes 5 minutes I think? It's either the first or last story of the book, and the story is called The Magic. It's an interactive short story and barley anyone has ever been able to finish it. Those who have say it truly fucks with your head and is the most terrifying experience ever. I really wanna read this now if it's truly as scary as they say. Check out their website and after reading the paragraph or hearing the voice talk click Let's Begin, be sure to look at the Find Out More and Reactions just to give you an idea. There's also another interactive short story called The Dare that you and someone else are supposed to do together and it's supposed to be even more terrifying than The Magic. http://www.13horror.com/
Cool idea for an extra though
You feel disoriented, holding your head in your hands for a while before you shuffle over and glance down to your phone,
You pick it up, squinting as your eyes adjust to the light.
03:47 - You’ve only been asleep for about an hour.
You lay your head back down and momentarily close your eyes, but then you start to hear it, a rattling sound.
You get off of your bed and walk towards your door, grabbing the handle and gently pulling it towards you, you glance across the hallway.
You can just make out the silhouette of your bathroom door in the dark, just as you go to go back to bed you see the outline of the bathroom door as a faint light dimly flashes behind it.
Did you forget to close your bathroom window? because you didn’t leave the light on.
You barge into the bathroom, the air is still thick and heavy with condensation and you check your window, it’s closed.
Only an hour’s sleep, your eyes heavy with bags and a semi-permanent scowl on your face.
You go to turn the light on, for a split-second the room is lit but then the bulb cuts out.
Within that split second you noticed something in the mirror, but it was fogged up from the condensation. You run across to your bedroom and grab your phone.
Suddenly you hear a thud.
You rush back into the bathroom, rub the fog off the mirror and shine your phone onto it.
But there’s nothing looking back."