Work is rough today. Had 4 candy vodka shots last night and a few beers. Then my buddy gave me my Christmas gift which was a 2 liter beer bottle lmao don't know where he found it but I took that down and started chugging the fifth of Jack I also got for Christmas. Things went down hill pretty quick after that. Good night tho
This weekend me and my friends killed 2 bottles of mead, 26 or so beers, three handles of bacardi, a bottle of henesey, a 6 pack of henrys hard soda, two handles of Captain Morgan, a bottle of japanese vodka, a bottle of bacon bourbon, a bottle of vodka, a bottle of Jim Beam, and a handle of New Amsterdam... I think thats all
I remember at one point I went to smoke a cig on the porch. It looked comfortable enough to sleep on so I grabbed the pillow and blanket off his couch and laid down on the porch and ate cheese that I can't remember for the life of me where it came from lol
New_Mc >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Jesus Christ what's wrong with you young people nowadays ?
im too old for that shit now.
I had like 6-7 jack and cokes and the bartender only charged me 23 bucks