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biancaz cute lil furry animalz thread



  • mrAPEmrAPE Posts: 39,476 moneytalker
    He doesn't use his claws much. He likes to be right up in your grill and will straight up lay in your face while you're sleeping. I can't have that shit happening to jamey and it will be impossible to keep them separate at all times
    You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
  • ZmbieFlavrdCupcakesZmbieFlavrdCupcakes Posts: 32,259 jayfacer
    Sure you can
    Through conditioning and positive reinforcement
    Also, keep him out of the babys room when hes sleeping
    Theres really no need to get rid of him when you the baby hasnt even arrived
  • mrAPEmrAPE Posts: 39,476 moneytalker
    Bianca you really don't understand and its hard to get you to unless you were around him. He has a brain injury he doesn't function like a normal cat at all. Its hard to explain until you see him in person. Anyway its not like I would take him to a shelter just find a new home with someone I trust
    You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
  • ZmbieFlavrdCupcakesZmbieFlavrdCupcakes Posts: 32,259 jayfacer
    Right i understand but im just giving you any and all info that ive learned from experience and lectures
    im looking out for the cat and trying to prevent you from making an unnecessary decision
    As for the brain problem, that might actually increase the trauma that cats in general get when they are moved to a different environment
    if you want, i can ask my professor what she thinks
  • mrAPEmrAPE Posts: 39,476 moneytalker
    The problem is the same problem you have you're not going to know how to approach this issue with this specific cat without having been around it. He adapts very well and has no issues moving around I've watched him move twice he didn't stress at all he is very laid back. He is different from every other cat I have been around and have owned. I understand you're in school and at this point most likely have a better general knowledge of cats and companion animals than I do but you cannot give advice or know how to solve the problem with him without having spent time with him. I also understand you're trying to help but on this one I thank you for trying but I don't need it. Maybe on something else but not this one. Just know he wont get mis treated and will not be going to any kind of shelter.
    You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
  • ZmbieFlavrdCupcakesZmbieFlavrdCupcakes Posts: 32,259 jayfacer
    but why wouldnt you see how they both interact with each other first?
    they could be great or they could be not so great
    supervise their first meeting HEAVILY
    in my opinion, when you take on an animal you have a lifelong commitment to that animal no matter what surprises come along and youre responsible to make sure every option has been exhausted before you give it up
    if you dont wanna put in the effort, thats fine but its the cat whos gonna have to deal with the change moreso than you
    i think he deserves at least a chance, dont you?
  • mrAPEmrAPE Posts: 39,476 moneytalker
    Because I saw how he was around my newborn nephew
    You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 58,009 spicy boy


    no matter how much sharks, other fish, squids, and octopus have been interesting me lately... I love turtles.
    Do You Like Hurting Other People?
  • ZmbieFlavrdCupcakesZmbieFlavrdCupcakes Posts: 32,259 jayfacer

    i think he deserves at least a chance, dont you?

  • mrAPEmrAPE Posts: 39,476 moneytalker
    Yeah.... no. He's had it. Im done with this conversation though.
    You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
  • ZmbieFlavrdCupcakesZmbieFlavrdCupcakes Posts: 32,259 jayfacer
    poor kitty :-<
    cant even find a forever home
    maybe you should keep these things in mind before getting any other animals, yea?
  • mrAPEmrAPE Posts: 39,476 moneytalker
    Maybe you should not worry about it and keep your mouth shut eh? Poor kitty will be in just as good a home if we get rid of him. Or maybe I will take the pillow case method just in spite of you for annoying me
    You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
  • ZmbieFlavrdCupcakesZmbieFlavrdCupcakes Posts: 32,259 jayfacer
    you posted about it in this of all threads lol so you brought it on yourself, EH?
    nice troll, try harder
  • mrAPEmrAPE Posts: 39,476 moneytalker
    Wasn't looking to get preached to or talked down to. If you're going to be a good vet you need to learn to understand the different situations. Not every animal is the same or acts the same I tried explaining to you how different he is just to realize its like talking to a wall with you.
    You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
  • mrAPEmrAPE Posts: 39,476 moneytalker
    Also if you would pay attention the cat will be going into a better situation than what it would have after the baby is born. Don't you want to cat to have the best life possible? And being responsible is also about realizing when you can't provide the best situation for the animal any longer.
    You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
  • ZmbieFlavrdCupcakesZmbieFlavrdCupcakes Posts: 32,259 jayfacer
    if im going to be a good vet i have to explore any other option before something drastic and traumatic is done to an animal
    obviously i know all animals differ from the standard but youre the one whos not hearing it and being selfish
    im telling you exactly what any animal behaviorist or vet would tell you
    at least youre preparing me for those stubborn ignorant people i will encounter at the practice ill be at, so thank you
    im not preaching, im telling you the facts to consider
    prime reason why some people are just not prepared to have animals right here
    i remember my professor saying in lecture 'if you can think of a situation where you would have to possibly give up your animal due to allergies/new family members/moving/etc. then you shouldnt have that animal'
  • mrAPEmrAPE Posts: 39,476 moneytalker
    Yet you don't listen when I have told you we have been through all the options. #-o
    You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
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