i cant see how you can put robert johnson as the best blues guitaritst of all time, could you explain wy he deserves such a title?
i mean im aware of his musical impact and ingenuity of the time and i give him his credit for that but what makes robert johnson guitar work put someone like srv and clapton to 'shame'?
if i write a book, then 4 generations of writers openly steal passages from my book but make much more money from their books, does that allow them the luxury of being considered better writers than me?
Guitar World has turned to shit. Voted for Machine Head in every possible category, chose the magzine cover that had an article on Machine Head, and wrote MACHINE FUCKING HEAD for the "other" option on every other one
yea cuz when clapton plays crossroads its a complete and utter johnson rip off give me a break.... artists are allowed to have influences....like i said i give johnson his props for being the first but did he write more memorable leads and riffs and song structure than the other guitarists listed...i dont think so
Guitar World has turned to shit. Voted for Machine Head in every possible category, chose the magzine cover that had an article on Machine Head, and wrote MACHINE FUCKING HEAD for the "other" option on every other one
yea cuz when clapton plays crossroads its a complete and utter johnson rip off give me a break.... artists are allowed to have influences....like i said i give johnson his props for being the first but did he write more memorable leads and riffs and song structure than the other guitarists listed...i dont think so
memorable to most people just means something they've heard on the radio 1,000 times. clapton definitely benefits from being a white guy that came from the british invasion.
im jussayin muddy waters is awesome but you cant tell me he has a song like layla or sunshine of your love cuz he doesnt .......there not that memorable which means there not as great.....give me clapton over robert johnson anyday of the week
king, i find acceptable if you're talking exclusively blues. even then, though, he gets trumped by robert johnson, as all of them do.
hendrix is leaps and bounds better than anyone. the people who deny hendrix don't really understand what he did.
i mean im aware of his musical impact and ingenuity of the time and i give him his credit for that but what makes robert johnson guitar work put someone like srv and clapton to 'shame'?
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
Light Bearer - Lapsus
Ghost (holy shit, fucking LOL at the choices on that list)
Big 4 cover