Suck my dick. To all you faggots that talked shit and hated, said I'd never go anywhere, I'm just a bedroom Rapper, etc. I get off on proving people wrong and rubbing it in their faces, so Im'ma toot my own horn for a second. Oh, and I'm not back BTW, leaving this shithole was the best decision I've ever made, I'm out after I type this.
First off, life is as great as it possibly could be right now. Went from no friends to the best crew I could ask for, I love those nigguhs. Second off, as I said I would, I keep getting farther day by day with Music. I met an amazing Producer and we started a project called Stolen Throne, his beats are ridiculous, and we both rap. I have two releases coming out by March. Our demo, and my solo mixtape. We got a photographer, an artist who designed our logo, and is doing my Episode 95 logo as well, etc. We're getting a Music video shot soon as well. I get props on a daily basis for this Stolen Throne shit, whether online, from people I meet at parties or when I go to record, etc. We make amazing Music, and there's not a doubt in my mind that we're going somewhere. And a lot of people, including other Rappers we've talked to, have said the same. I recorded a verse the other day with 5 other nigguhs in the studio the other day, and when I was done, all of them were floored and giving me props up and down saying how ridiculous it was. And the icing on the cake that inspired me to be a cocky asshole and make this thread, we're booked for my very first show on March 3rd. Something I've dreamed of for 3 years now with no reality. And it's finally here. This, to me, is the definitive start to everything I've ever dreamed of, and I can't wait for that day. Everyone who said I'd never go anywhere at all, never even get a show, that I'd stay in my room writing every day with no progress, I laugh hysterically at you now.
You know, I was debating whether I should make this or not, figured I should just let it go, y'all are worthless to me, and I had the self satisfaction of knowing I proved you faggots wrong either way, but you know what, nah, I wanted to rub it in. Because y'all were the most pathetic group of hating lowlifes I've ever encountered. Doesn't matter it was online, the words and hate were real. And now, it's nothing but love, I've been getting so much respect for my Music, and it's the most amazing feeling in the world, especially knowing I had a pack of haters tryna bring me down on a daily basis, but look at me now, I'm doing everything I said I'd do and coming out on top. Because I never let anyone stop or bring me down, and I never will.
I guess that's all I gotta say. This is my official last post on here. Signing out after this. /Brag.
And I leave you with this. Get used to the words in the image below. Suck my dick.
That lion is a different color than the rest of the logo though, you guys got yourselves one hell of an artist.
2. anyone can play a show. called local shows for a reason and millions of people do it.
3. Your group looks like they are getting ready to enter the special Olympics. The worst one is that retard that isn't your cousin.
4. anyone can hire a photographer and web design person to make logos and shit. Not rocket science.
5. What you are doing is nothing special since lots of local bands/rappers do what you just did all the time.
6. Come back when you get some where and then I will be impressed.
2 - See #1.
3 - Your welcome for improving your rap abilities.
4 - Leave again.
anyway, im glad to see you're doing good. congratulations on the success. (im being serious by the way)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
that couldaz been any niggaz cuz they all steal bikez :-?
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
Fight the power!