Maynard has always sounded good. Uninspired maybe but iv never thought he sounded bad. He just had a time period after 10k days where he wasnt really into it for a while. The last year or so you can definitely tell he is fully back into it.
i have heard people commenting saying they can tell hes using some kind of voice correction stuff. I dont hear that, but iv also been been buzzed every time i saw them.
I guess the pot and Intolerance were sound checked yesterday. Not that it means anything as they have a history of sound checking songs and not playing them, but id love to hear either of them but would prefer intolerance over the pot as i have seen the pot.
fucking kill yourselves
Had to share them tho cuz holy shit
Like listen to maynard's vocal inflections in this. They sound straight 2002
i have heard people commenting saying they can tell hes using some
kind of voice correction stuff. I dont hear that, but iv also been been buzzed every time i saw them.
2 full days of work and a 1/2 day tomorrow left :!!
i wouldnt even climb up there lol
It's worse that 12/12 bro...