She's been having occasional anxiety attacks lately and is worried that she may could have one at the show and she would feel bad if she "ruined the show for me" so she doesn't want to go. She just wants me to have fun because women are all selfish evil greedy cunts like MC says they are so she somehow used her serpent woman sorcery on me to scum my money for her to use on bathtub goods.
Although.... if I got cheaper tickets for another night.... hmmmm... just maybe...
I'll present it to her as an option but I don't really expect much to come of it. She wouldn't want to risk that much cash on VIP if she isn't sure she won't have a panic attack. The only appeal on the second show would be cheaper tix with less loot on the line and a show I could bounce out early from if I had to without being too upset about, having already seen the same show the night prior (or next if we both go to DTE) She has family there as well, and it's more route to drive. I don't really see her going for it though. She's probably gonna want to drag me along to places she wants to go instead. Can't hurt to throw it out there though.
Not like I want to, there is just a possibility I may have to if she goes with me and she has a panic attack and needs to get out of there. It's not like I'm gonna say "K bye, go sit in the car and have anxiety by yourself, see ya when the show is over."
@ the wtf I'm not trying to start anything I just seem to recall a series of posts about you rekindling a relationship with some ex from when you were younger or am I mixing you up with someone else
Now she ordered a shower curtain too... This is how it starts, isn't it? @Todd
Although.... if I got cheaper tickets for another night.... hmmmm... just maybe...
Fuck, here we go
You could make Minnesota the next day doe :-?