Hey that's why I live outside in the suburbs. Used to live in this part of town full of polish people and black people..in the middle there's this place called the Arrow Club that's whites only haha
lol yeah dude it was awesome...i was smoking in the bathroom before there set...and then when they started the two seats next to me a security guard was standing there...and i asked if i could smoke cause everyone else was...she told me i could...it was awesome
i was on the top row on the bottom bow....but it was like a flat are where you could pull in a wheelchair....everyone in the place was allowed to smoke
gonna get hi as fukkkk
>Find seats during Intronauts second song.
>Really no smell of weed
>Set over/set up
>Gets dark
Sure that's the standard for shows, but I mean this was to the MAX. I've never noticed it so strong so quickly.