there's more crazy in this thread than Michelle bachmans husband's gay rehab clinic
at least someone else knew about that shit
I had to do a report on her, I was sure to add that lol Pray the gay away
the bitch is insane, she said that God told her she had to Run for president to rid america of sin
She creeps me the fuck out, too. But what creeps me more out is how many supporters people like that have. It's terrifying to think about. It also saddens me. Think of how much shit as the human race we could of gotten done by now if it weren't for people like that holding us back.
there's more crazy in this thread than Michelle bachmans husband's gay rehab clinic
at least someone else knew about that shit
I had to do a report on her, I was sure to add that lol Pray the gay away
the bitch is insane, she said that God told her she had to Run for president to rid america of sin
She creeps me the fuck out, too. But what creeps me more out is how many supporters people like that have. It's terrifying to think about. It also saddens me. Think of how much shit as the human race we could of gotten done by now if it weren't for people like that holding us back.
It scares the shit out of that almost 30% of American Christians think God is personally steering the economy and this is our punishment for gay rights and abortion
It scares the shit out of that almost 30% of American Christians think God is personally steering the economy and this is our punishment for gay rights and abortion
I would think it's much higher than that, haha. But yeah, that shit is scary. I know that in my lifetime I will see society progress and get better, but not nearly as much as I would like it to.
I think I should of been born wayyyyy into the future. I'm seriously considering saving up money throughout my lifetime to pay for my body to be cryogenically frozen when I die. I've got too much shit I want to see happen god damn it!
I think any religion that you place before politics is wrong and you should be banned from service. If you wanna practice and have personal beliefs and morals fine, but don't make laws to force others to think that way.
I think any religion that you place before politics is wrong and you should be banned from service. If you wanna practice and have personal beliefs and morals fine, but don't make laws to force others to think that way.
I have to agree. Personal opinion and feelings shouls not cross over into your political agenda. Thats why i feel political parties and allegience to them is stupid. People should vote for people based on what they are going to do, and if they are good for the masses overall. Not because their democrats or republicans, or conservative or liberal, or anything... and like-wise, politicians should act in a way that satisfies the majority of voters and benefits the country overall, and not let their own beliefs or greed for money get in the way of that
politicians should act in a way that satisfies the majority of voters and benefits the country overall, and not let their own beliefs or greed for money get in the way of that
you mean like this guy. Ron Paul is making the best political ads i've ever seen.
I think any religion that you place before politics is wrong and you should be banned from service. If you wanna practice and have personal beliefs and morals fine, but don't make laws to force others to think that way.
I have to agree. Personal opinion and feelings shouls not cross over into your political agenda. Thats why i feel political parties and allegience to them is stupid. People should vote for people based on what they are going to do, and if they are good for the masses overall. Not because their democrats or republicans, or conservative or liberal, or anything... and like-wise, politicians should act in a way that satisfies the majority of voters and benefits the country overall, and not let their own beliefs or greed for money get in the way of that
That is why I call myself a libertarian, I can see both sides. I don't agree with everything they believe either just closest to my beliefs. I like to think of myself as socially liberal and economically conservative.
Pray the gay away
I think I should of been born wayyyyy into the future. I'm seriously considering saving up money throughout my lifetime to pay for my body to be cryogenically frozen when I die. I've got too much shit I want to see happen god damn it!
We would have commercials of Jesus and Ronald McDonald introducing a new sandwich together with the American flag in the background.