I am thinking about moving and have started saving and once I get 5,000 dollars saved I was going to move out of my parents house again. I have a new job and work full time hours for good pay and have spending money for the first time in my life, I like my situation but I feel that I am stuck in a rut and can't get out due to a bad reputation I have, and can't really make friends to well because everyone in the area knows me.
Here are the towns that have offices with the company I work for.
Alabama, Mobile
Arizona, Phoenix
Arizona, Tucson
Colorado, Denver
Louisiana, New Orleans
Louisiana, Sulphur/Lake Charles
Oklahoma, Oklahoma City
Oklahoma, Tulsa
Texas, Austin
Texas, Beaumont
Texas, Corpus Christi
Texas, Dallas
Texas, Houston
Texas, Lubbock
Texas, San Antonio
Texas, Tyler
Utah, Salt Lake City
I don't have many choices and after thinking about Chicago and Pittsburgh they both seem to be ruled out as options, which is sad because I know a lot of you guys live in one of the two cities.
Actually some depressing choices if you ask me.

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