.... Apart from being imprisoned and butt raped my biggest fear is being buried alive and/or being stuck in a very confined space with no room to move (like in a coffin)
i think it was the great Abraham Lincoln who onced warned " You Cant live your life if constant fear of butt rapings, but a shitty made thread, well then may god bless all his mercy on you"
That and being kidnapped and having my body mutilated over a period of time by a serial killer until my body finally gives out and I die. ;_;
and driving over train tracks.
i mean im pretty sure anyone would rather cross a bridge or die alone then to be dismembered or something...
I hope things get better for you in some way... we're here for you >:D<
EDIT: Holy derp Batman... I read this as the Grinds my Gears thread for a sec when I saw that....