by chanting useless slogans and getting pepper sprayed?? hows that bringin democarcy to the people tell me....why dont you do something usefull like notifying your congressmen or get petitons signed or something like that
Because it today's "democracy" MONEY trumps petitions and phone calls.
by chanting useless slogans and getting pepper sprayed?? hows that bringin democarcy to the people tell me....why dont you do something usefull like notifying your congressmen or get petitons signed or something like that
Because it today's "democracy" MONEY trumps petitions and phone calls.
protests do work nola.... a simple staying put in front of a bus lead to the civil rights movement's eventual triumph; same for a simple school walkout in South Africa that lead to the abolition of apartheid.
Protests are metaphors..... if you take them literally; you'll never change any laws, or ways of thinking, by JUST burning bras.... or putting a flower in a barrel of a gun wont prevent the bullet from crushing your skull in.
ya i know what your saying it can work but ii was just sayin nowadays i kinda hate them..... i mean back in the day you had great people like MLK jr or ghandi leading these protests now adays its just the college know it all hippies impeding traffic in between there hacky sack tournaments and trips to the whole food store
If I didn't have SOOOOO much homework I'd be there in an instant. Can't go this weekend because I'm going home. Maybe I can go next weekend if I convince someone to go with me.
Protests are metaphors..... if you take them literally; you'll never change any laws, or ways of thinking, by JUST burning bras.... or putting a flower in a barrel of a gun wont prevent the bullet from crushing your skull in.
unrelated to the protests.... but a lecture/brief history lesson on some of the most significant hackers in the world