jay this band could put out anything short of absoulte garbage and you would like it....you have to admit this song is pretty terrible..unoriginal and childish
dragons and firies arent the only dumb things you can sing about, erik writes better lyrics than in this joke of a song.. the riffage is not too bad, the beginning sounds verrryy similar to hangar 18 imo.....this song deserves a 6/10 at best for its shitty unoriginal lyrical nothingness
its like a band can just recycle the same old bullshit for years and its ok ( megadeth, slayer) but if disturbed does it you shun them into the ground, im fair on every band
its like a band can just recycle the same old bullshit for years and its ok ( megadeth, slayer) but if disturbed does it you shun them into the ground, im fair on every band
Brian has pointed out the similarity in chord progression, however the riff is different. The song structurally isn't the same as Hangar 18 either.
I'm not debating lyrical content, I'm just saying it's foolish to ignore a song just because the lyrics aren't mindblowing. There's an endless amount of songs, at this point everything's been written about in lyrics lol.
I'm not debating lyrical content, I'm just saying it's foolish to ignore a song just because the lyrics aren't mindblowing. There's an endless amount of songs, at this point everything's been written about in lyrics lol.
i may be being a little harsh but the view point im looking through is this: Megadeth is often praised as one of the top elite metal bands out there.. if your going to have that title than i raise the bar a little and songs like these clearly dont reach that bar...Now i know Megadeth have never been lyrical masterminds and dave vocals have never been the focus of the band but it seems like hes not even trying in this song to say anything relevant to anything..i mean actually think for a minute what this song is actually trying to say, i believe you will find very little. Now if you just wanna have fun listen to some metal and rock out then by all means enjoy, but if your looking for a top tier metal band to show somethng new and exciting and help keep them relevant and not just a greatest hits act then i think youll be very dissapointed like i am...i realize this has only been one song lol but s far with the album name and this song im not very hopeful for anything above another tepid album from a faded, dated metal legend
I don't put as much stock into lyrics as you do. The riff and groove are good as well as the solos. I get a CTE vibe from it.
public enemy number one
jailbreak and a smoking gun
you wont believe the things ive
and the killing was just for fun public enemy number one
this is what were in tune for?? oh boyyy i cant wait, or i could just ask my 16 year old cousin to scribble some words down on a piece of paper....