If I die this weekend, Skully, George, Bianca, and Billy can split up my stuff.
so nice of you >:D< but since we'll both be at the same place tomorrow/tonight i'll probably die too )
I doubt anything will happen. They're just trying to scare us.
The fuck you mean they won't do it? You do know that they probably have thousands of sleeper cells in this country ready to blow shit up and kill people.
If they did, they would of done it already. They wouldn't announce it to everyone which makes security even more aware of the situation if they were seriously ready to start war on this country. It's all a stupid tactic to make Americans paranoid. They can't touch us. People have tried before after 9/11 to harm us and can't get away with it.
they did tell us they were gonna attack us before 9/11 and they claimed responsibility afterwards. the taliban and al queda pretty much always announce their attacks before hand. bin laden even made it public that he wanted to kill the pope but nothing ever happened, maybe because we killed bin laden and he didnt have time to carry out whatever plan he was making if he was making one at all. but the point is he announced what he wanted or was gonna do before hand.
"That's another thing I love about metal, it's so fuckin' huge yet certain people don't even know it exists." - Rob Zombie
blowbacks a bitch. if we weren't busying playing Team America world police this shit wouldn't happen
correct me if im wrong because i dont know much about this but aren't we over their to help our allies and prevent future attacks on other countries and whatnot? granted that may not have been the reason why we were over there before 9/11 but after 9/11 - i believe thats the main reason why we're over there now. prior to 9/11 im not really sure but i have such a hard time believing that our government is completely at fault here. one thing i do know is that we paid bin laden so they could stop the russians to help end the cold war. then he wanted our help for something else he wanted to do and we said no and he got pissed and decided to start shit with us. i believe the reason why our government is trying to spread the message of a democracy to other countries is because we're actually trying to help other countries establish a strong government themselves so they're not constantly fighting each other, like civil wars and stuff. and basically dictators and asshole terrorists don't want any part of it so they see us as the enemy. i really think that our government is trying to help make the world a better place. whether you agree or disagree with the ways they're going about it is a different story. a lot of people say its because of oil and thats the sole reason why we're over there but i disagree for the reasons previosly mentioned. but again, i dont know a whole lot about this stuff.
"That's another thing I love about metal, it's so fuckin' huge yet certain people don't even know it exists." - Rob Zombie
blowbacks a bitch. if we weren't busying playing Team America world police this shit wouldn't happen
correct me if im wrong because i dont know much about this but aren't we over their to help our allies and prevent future attacks on other countries and whatnot? granted that may not have been the reason why we were over there before 9/11 but after 9/11 - i believe thats the main reason why we're over there now. prior to 9/11 im not really sure but i have such a hard time believing that our government is completely at fault here. one thing i do know is that we paid bin laden so they could stop the russians to help end the cold war. then he wanted our help for something else he wanted to do and we said no and he got pissed and decided to start shit with us. i believe the reason why our government is trying to spread the message of a democracy to other countries is because we're actually trying to help other countries establish a strong government themselves so they're not constantly fighting each other, like civil wars and stuff. and basically dictators and asshole terrorists don't want any part of it so they see us as the enemy. i really think that our government is trying to help make the world a better place. whether you agree or disagree with the ways they're going about it is a different story. a lot of people say its because of oil and thats the sole reason why we're over there but i disagree for the reasons previosly mentioned. but again, i dont know a whole lot about this stuff.
Blowback means if you go and kill someones family, they will hate you and try to kill your family in over simplified terms
its all about our interventionist foreign policy. we have been meddling in the affairs of the middle east for over 60 years like Operation Ajax where we overthrew the iranian government, the iran-iraq war are just a few example. Had we not been fucking with their shit this entire time i highly doubt they would be trying to kill us.
EDIT: Damn your edit.
but since we'll both be at the same place tomorrow/tonight i'll probably die too
.....nothing for the little man?
its all about our interventionist foreign policy. we have been meddling in the affairs of the middle east for over 60 years like Operation Ajax where we overthrew the iranian government, the iran-iraq war are just a few example. Had we not been fucking with their shit this entire time i highly doubt they would be trying to kill us.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
What's the word I'm looking for?
I'm just worried about what Catz will do with his stiffy to a stiff Skully