I care about 2 bands. The line up this year is repeats, again, and some piss ass bands thrown in. It's also very depressing only 8 bands are on it. Like why?
High On Fire is great, but ROTR trumps it for many reasons. One is because HoF is one band. ROTR has multiple bands worth the trip, the hotel, and tickets. To me it's no contest. Doesn't matter how great HoF are
High On Fire is great, but ROTR trumps it for many reasons. One is because HoF is one band. ROTR has multiple bands worth the trip, the hotel, and tickets. To me it's no contest. Doesn't matter how great HoF are
Well Mayhem is 30 mins from me... and Slipknot/Slayer are 2 of my favorite bands... I also love AILD and HOF... so it's great to me.
The lineup for ROTR has lots of good bands but lots of shitty ones too. Although if I were to compare it percentage-wise it would probably be equal to Mayhem.
It's only a few hours from me and a bunch of my friends wanna go bit it will be pretty costly with the ticket, gas, hotel plus food and other expenses.
I've seen Slipknot and Slayer multiple times already so I can miss them and not mind. Onky bands I would go to see are AILD and HoF. The show isn't that long and there's only 8 bands. Sure the venue is about 20 minutes from me but my deciding factor on going is if enough people I know are going.
I would imagine it would be more fun at ROTR because it's much longer and has a bunch more bands. It would be worth going two hours away seeing so many more bands, some of which you could find you end up liking. I just have to scrounge up enough friends that want to go.
I could possibly not even need a hotel for myself because I have a cousin that lives in the Columbus area. But if no one except my one friend who's nuts about Manson doesn't step up, it probably won't happen
MetalSSlayerPosts: 6,164destroyer of motherfuckers
I really want to go to ROTR for the entire weekend, but there is no way in hell I could afford to go by myself unless it was for just 1 day. And none of my bitch ass friends seem to want to go to split a hotel package.
The lineup for ROTR has lots of good bands but lots of shitty ones too. Although if I were to compare it percentage-wise it would probably be equal to Mayhem.
I would imagine it would be more fun at ROTR because it's much longer and has a bunch more bands. It would be worth going two hours away seeing so many more bands, some of which you could find you end up liking. I just have to scrounge up enough friends that want to go.