I might post pics of our new room when we move. I can't wait until the cats get their own bedroom, they're driving me up the wall at night when they get bored. If I shut our bedroom door I don't get a/c.
I'll post some of our apartment when I'm don't decorating it. My side of my room is done but the rest isn't. None of my roommates care, so fuck it. I'm decorating it with my paintings and drawings of nude men.
I remember one of my distant relatives in NJ was an artist. He painted TONS of nude women. I remember my aunt asking if it was ok if I was allowed on that side of the house and my mom saying it was. He was damn good at doing tits though.
I remember growing up I shared a room w/ my 2 sisters (it was a pretty big room and was able to hold 3 beds). It sucked cuz they were 10 and 12 years older than me so they'd come and go at all hours of the night.
Sharings rooms is tough especially when my one sister just LOVED to trash the room. She came back from a party w/ a bunch of stuff from Kevin Smith and I was too young to really know about him and I destroyed it all. She also had guitar picks from concerts I threw out. That started a huge fight but she learned to keep her side of the room clean after.
Fap fap fap
I'll update the pic once i finally get my own room next month.