If the pics are too big, hop off cock. I'm too lazy edit their size.
TV/entertainment area and wall of concert tickets
Closet/Stereo System
Desk where I keep all of my magazines and other shit. My mirrors are usally the doors for my closet, but the tracks are broken so we had to remove them so I could actually access my clothes. There is a United Abomintations era Megadeth poster there, but the mirrors block it.
CD collection, really not too impressive...
My bed. Black Sabbath keeps me safe at night.
Computer/My life, my reason
Maiden poster that is to the left of computer
Rest of that wall
A better view of the rest of my poster. Rush is right above my computer, incase you can't tell.
Nerd wall that has Mortal Kombat action figures that are still in their case, and other stupid shit.
Pretty close to finishing up the overhaul of my room. It's tiny. I've had posters but never really put them up, finally started putting up a couple so my room looks like it has life. Little desk where I would put my laptop if I ever sat at my desk And my random concert stash with setlists, sticks, picks, Nikki Sixx water bottle.
I have this book where I keep my concert tickets, it's like a photo album and all the tickets are in order by date. Since I started re-doing my room I've found tickets for Godsmack in 07, Skid Row in 06, and Seven Mary Three in 06..Goddamnit that's a lot of tickets to move over.
TV/entertainment area and wall of concert tickets
Closet/Stereo System
Desk where I keep all of my magazines and other shit. My mirrors are usally the doors for my closet, but the tracks are broken so we had to remove them so I could actually access my clothes. There is a United Abomintations era Megadeth poster there, but the mirrors block it.
CD collection, really not too impressive...
My bed. Black Sabbath keeps me safe at night.
Computer/My life, my reason
Maiden poster that is to the left of computer
Rest of that wall
A better view of the rest of my poster. Rush is right above my computer, incase you can't tell.
Nerd wall that has Mortal Kombat action figures that are still in their case, and other stupid shit.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
I've had posters but never really put them up, finally started putting up a couple so my room looks like it has life.
Little desk where I would put my laptop if I ever sat at my desk
And my random concert stash with setlists, sticks, picks, Nikki Sixx water bottle.
I have this book where I keep my concert tickets, it's like a photo album and all the tickets are in order by date. Since I started re-doing my room I've found tickets for Godsmack in 07, Skid Row in 06, and Seven Mary Three in 06..Goddamnit that's a lot of tickets to move over.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
he tasted good too.