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should i get involved?

laurjohn2laurjohn2 Posts: 6,951 balls deep
edited August 2011 in Off Topic
My bro and his wife have had maritial issues lately. My brother sent an email to the family saying his marriage is over, he's found someone else, he's still living with his wife until he figures out the next step. when he got home from work yesterday, the police were waiting for him with a restraining order forbidding him from going into his own house. Looks like things are going to get uglier, and the way everything works, she's may get the house. thats where my involvement might come in. This house has been in the family for 100 years. My grandfather rebuilt it himself back in the 50's. Before he died he told me he wanted me to have the house. My brother pushed the issue after he passed and got the house. i never fought it because family got it. Should i get involved, fight the bytch, and make sure the house stays in the family?


  • A_Beautiful_TragedyA_Beautiful_Tragedy Posts: 259 salt miner
    you shouldn't, unless it is in the will. If your brother's name is the only one on the deed, he should get it. he needs to get an attorney, and he needs to ask for the house for "sentimental" value...
  • WakeOfAshesWakeOfAshes Posts: 21,665 destroyer of motherfuckers
    how exactly do you plan on getting involved? I aint no lawyer, but from what you just said it doesnt sound like you have any legal right to be involved. You gave up your stake in the house to your brother, and in marriage assets are split 50/50 or the guy is fucked.
  • WakeOfAshesWakeOfAshes Posts: 21,665 destroyer of motherfuckers
    How long have they been married? do they have kids? I hate seeing marriages end
  • laurjohn2laurjohn2 Posts: 6,951 balls deep
    they got married in may 1999, so 12 years. she had kids with her first marriage but not with my brother....

    I guess what i should do is get my brother to not give up the house to her. help him fight it
  • A_Beautiful_TragedyA_Beautiful_Tragedy Posts: 259 salt miner
    if he wants the house, he will probably end up having to pay alimony, since she has kids....
  • WakeOfAshesWakeOfAshes Posts: 21,665 destroyer of motherfuckers
    yeah, I guess you can do that.

    Still kinda sad.
  • WakeOfAshesWakeOfAshes Posts: 21,665 destroyer of motherfuckers
    if he wants the house, he will probably end up having to pay alimony, since she has kids....
    Try child support unless she is already receiving it. Alimony is a for sure thing.
  • laurjohn2laurjohn2 Posts: 6,951 balls deep
    on a positive note, she's dragged him down for years. all he does in work, eat and sleep. never does anything with the rest of the fam. hopefully, we can hang out more
  • A_Beautiful_TragedyA_Beautiful_Tragedy Posts: 259 salt miner
    he won't have to pay child support for kids that aren't is. Alimony is never a sure thing, unless she isn't working, or if she has no skills to get a job.....I only know this because I worked with a divorce attorney for 4 years....
  • laurjohn2laurjohn2 Posts: 6,951 balls deep
    she works as a bus assistant on a special needs bus. not sure if its full or part time
  • A_Beautiful_TragedyA_Beautiful_Tragedy Posts: 259 salt miner
    she has to be able to "maintain the quality of life she is used to" if she can't pay her bills, or rent or anything, he will probably have to pay alimony
  • WakeOfAshesWakeOfAshes Posts: 21,665 destroyer of motherfuckers
    I have a theory that all failed marriages are the result of the same thing. The theory is a little rough and unpolished but it is basically something like this-

    genetically guys are hunters- When they are single they are hungry for the urge to mate, and when they have won that conquest their natural tendency is to want to put that conquest on the wall and head out for new game. Women however are genetically looking for someone with good genetic traits to pass down to her children. She is looking for security, someone to make a nest with, and someone who will treat her as a princess.

    So the root of the problem is this- Guy's marry women because they know what a woman needs (the nesting instinct) and they think they can ignore their genetic hunting needs. I'm sure all guys who get married are genuine in this belief. Problem is after marriage it is so damn hard to shower your woman with the APPRECIATION she needs. As much as your lady needs food and water, she's gotta have a shit load of complements and all the little shit the dude did to win her in the first place. The woman on the other hand starts turning sour on the dude because she isnt getting the appreciation she had grown to expect. She gets married to this dude and then all the cute notes stop, flowers stop meaning anything, and he never does anything to make her feel like he really loves her. He just wants to work, eat, and fuck and it hurts.... So they drift apart. They didnt feed their relationship, didnt work at it....

    Some dudes and ladies are better at recognizing these relationship pitfalls. Others are just willing to settle for a life of no love. It's hard to not let the fire burn out in a relationship.... I think it is unfortunate that your brothers marriage is over, and I think it is even more unfortunate that he thinks he has found someone new and thinks this someone new will be any different then what he already has. He is just starting the cycle over again.... He doesnt have a new girlfriend, he has a new future ex-wife.
  • laurjohn2laurjohn2 Posts: 6,951 balls deep
    so what if that makes it so he can't maintain the quality of life he is used to? that's bullshyt
  • A_Beautiful_TragedyA_Beautiful_Tragedy Posts: 259 salt miner
    so what if that makes it so he can't maintain the quality of life he is used to? that's bullshyt
    i know it is, very unfair.
  • WakeOfAshesWakeOfAshes Posts: 21,665 destroyer of motherfuckers
    he won't have to pay child support for kids that aren't is. Alimony is never a sure thing, unless she isn't working, or if she has no skills to get a job.....I only know this because I worked with a divorce attorney for 4 years....
    some states will require child support for kids that arent theirs if
    1. there as been a significant amount of time of marriage where the kids have grown to think of the step father as dad. He meets this with 12 years of marriage.
    2. she is not receiving support from the biological father already.

    You know that in most states, even if you dont get married... if you live with someone long enough then it is legally treated as a marriage when the relationship ends?
  • laurjohn2laurjohn2 Posts: 6,951 balls deep
    main reason their marraige failed is that she wont have sex with him. he knew that going back to the beginning. i have no idea how the realtionship even started, figuring they have nothing in common
  • WakeOfAshesWakeOfAshes Posts: 21,665 destroyer of motherfuckers
    so what if that makes it so he can't maintain the quality of life he is used to? that's bullshyt
    Welcome to family law, where the dudes get fucked and the women rule all. His BEST bet is to try and be as civil with her as possible. Tell her that they can be reasonable and work it out without lawyers. Getting lawyers involved is going to be like 50-80 grand (and that is for shitty lawyers)
  • WakeOfAshesWakeOfAshes Posts: 21,665 destroyer of motherfuckers
    main reason their marraige failed is that she wont have sex with him. he knew that going back to the beginning. i have no idea how the realtionship even started, figuring they have nothing in common
    I'm sure she would have sex with him if the appreciation I mentioned was there. I'm not saying your bro is wrong, but saying that I think it is a result of genetics. Really what is wrong is the idea of marriage... Men are not really designed to have life partners. Some can do it, but it is not in their nature to do it. Women are designed that way, in some cruel sense of irony.
  • laurjohn2laurjohn2 Posts: 6,951 balls deep
    seeing what my brother is going thru makes me appreciate my marriage more. i can't see me and laurie ever going thru what he's going thru.
  • WakeOfAshesWakeOfAshes Posts: 21,665 destroyer of motherfuckers
    seeing what my brother is going thru makes me appreciate my marriage more. i can't see me and laurie ever going thru what he's going thru.
    Don't ever stop showing her appreciation. you gotta make sure your woman knows you always love her. \m/
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