im pretty sure erik's next fad he will try and shove down our throats is realizing hes gay....he will be gay for about 6 months at least...being the most flaming fag, claiming we are all ignorant because we know nothing about being gay, and any dispute he will tell us to suck his fagget dick
im pretty sure erik's next fad he will try and shove down our throats is realizing hes gay....he will be gay for about 6 months at least...being the most flaming fag, claiming we are all ignorant because we know nothing about being gay, and any dispute he will tell us to suck his fagget dick
im pretty sure erik's next fad he will try and shove down our throats is realizing hes gay....he will be gay for about 6 months at least...being the most flaming fag, claiming we are all ignorant because we know nothing about being gay, and any dispute he will tell us to suck his fagget dick
24 as of now, which is actually 22, 'cause 2 of them are just beats. And nah, probably not, those were recorded when I only had a USB mic and no nice equipment, but I don't really like them anymore, those were from when I just started, my flows are shitty on those. Especially Yonkers lolz.
Seriously, leave me alone you old fuck. This shit is seriously so pathetic already. Get a fucking life, or end it. Both good options since your life is clearly so worthless that all you can do is harass a 15 year old.
Yep, I'm so fake.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
haha, I was at work today, and that name popped into my head.....I had to use it..... "You can tell the real by how the real interact" - Common (The Game)