The grass isn't always greener on the other side. Shane, remember how you thought Jessica was way better than me? Flirted w/ her, then we had our separation? However, once you learned about the sex life w/ her, it sucked and we worked things out after I broke it off w/ Mike? Most guys think w/ their dicks and not their heads.
it is nearly impossible to help who you become attracted to, its human nature, it is possible not to act on it however
Exactly. Ive been in situations where I had a girlfriend and a girl who I thought was cute at work/school/where ever told me that they had feelings for me or thought I was cute. You just gotta be like [-X
Anyone who doesnt think its cheating, go and do it then tell your partner about it and see how they take it.
Yeah i think i would rather my gf be attracted to other guys that to go and have sex with them.