Would someone like, idk..ban me already? It's too difficult to spam on a phone
I don't wanna.
Do it. If you really can't...have Ed do it. I'm sure he could give two shits
( But how will I talk to yooz without a phone?
idk. maybe I won't delete/block you on fb
You could just be mature enough to leave..
easy answer is too easy.
All of you could have been 'mature' too and not blow shit up when it didn't need to be. The comment on fb was meant for a laugh, people to it serious. Should have know that would happen. I guess I should have also known that people would take anything I say and make it seem negative. Guess I'm stupid
All of you could have been 'mature' too and not blow shit up when it didn't need to be. The comment on fb was meant for a laugh, people to it serious. Should have know that would happen. I guess I should have also known that people would take anything I say and make it seem negative. Guess I'm stupid