Guys, I'll make a list. And honestly if you want like it bash me all you want for it. It doesn't really mean anything because there's something called opinions. Someone might make a list they think is godly but I may not like it at all and vice versa
I'll have a list up tonight unless something more important than giving an opinionated list of what death metal bands I'd put over death to people on an Internet forum, comes up
"I'll have a list up tonight unless something more important than giving an opinionated list of what death metal bands I'd put over death to people on an Internet forum, comes up"
if you think cannibal corpse is better then death then you sir have zero credibility and i don't care if its opinion cannibal corpse is like the fisher price death metal band
I'll have a list up tonight unless something more important than giving an opinionated list of what death metal bands I'd put over death to people on an Internet forum, comes up
what could possibly be more important then that