Ayo @OPP i've been listening to a certain hardcore band a lot lately that you might dig. They throw in the weirdest fucking riffs, and their vocalist reminds me a lot of Frank Mullen (more so live)
They definitely consider themselves a hardcore band, and have been all over the Philly and Maryland scene for a little bit. I just think that the genre is evolving now, bands all of the douche bag/tough guy/"this is a brotherhood" type hardcore bands like Terror and Madball are fading away. Bands are starting to go more metallic again. Some of my favorites being Jesus Piece, Eternal Sleep, Cathedrals, Sect, Vein, Racetraitor(older band, but just reformed) etc. They're all much more aggressive and abrasive, and fairly experimental.
Jesus Piece - 'Conjure Life'
it's no agalloch
Eternal Sleep - 'Last Kind Words'
First 2017 album