Do you guys that dig them listen to Run the Jewels? There's a lot of common ground there, just obvious differences in the vocals. El-P's production draws a lot from 80s Cyberpunk
His Run the Jewels shit with Killer Mike is tits, but he's been doing rock solid beats for himself and other artists for 20 years now. A lot of it is kinda paranoid and claustrophobic sounding. Trent Reznor is a big fan and El has done remix work on Nine Inch Nails songs. I like this one a lot, too
giving this album a shot
Do you guys that dig them listen to Run the Jewels? There's a lot of common ground there, just obvious differences in the vocals. El-P's production draws a lot from 80s Cyberpunk
His Run the Jewels shit with Killer Mike is tits, but he's been doing rock solid beats for himself and other artists for 20 years now. A lot of it is kinda paranoid and claustrophobic sounding. Trent Reznor is a big fan and El has done remix work on Nine Inch Nails songs. I like this one a lot, too