It's like some record exec looked at Emmure and was like "This shit is entirely too complicated and not nearly angry or tryhard enough. We need something just barely above Neanderthal" and some intern had King's cd in the trunk of their car and POOF...major label contract
the suckage of King 810 has nothing to do with Facefuck
You'd have to be partially retarded to like that shit
well it's UP we're talking about here
I don't like pop either but >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> King 810
A really shitty beatdown hardcore band that tries way to hard to have a badass persona.
This says it all.
I don't need to waste my time.
they make emmure sound like art rock
probably still better the letlive
I think I may take ICP or Nickleback over King 810.
It's like some record exec looked at Emmure and was like "This shit is entirely too complicated and not nearly angry or tryhard enough. We need something just barely above Neanderthal" and some intern had King's cd in the trunk of their car and POOF...major label contract
Now I gotta listen
no you don't
Interlude by Beau Navire
Wow that's was bad. Video was cool doe it showed a bunch of people shooting at cops @Xenocide
pretty sure I told you guys I'm not gonna be a cop a while back
fuck pigs @Xenocide
what's the plan of action now, Xeno?
More than likely going into english education.